MBS Matrix iii (3) discussion

It started off as “I’ll just upgrade the trucks to matrix 3s.”

“well I’ll need new mounts for my gear drives…”

“well I’m on my last set of gears and there are several interesting new gear drives out there compatible…”

“that’s a lot of money for just a truck swap. May as well make a whole new build…”

“higher voltage could be fun…”

“Fuuuuuck that’s a few thousand $$$ commitment and the baby is now a toddler, requiring even more attention.”

“maybe I just grab a Warren pro 3 complete and leave it manual and build slowly from there?”

On loop x 1,000

So it’s more of a when than an if. If I can boost my top speed into the mid 50s and improve the bottom end torque so I can stop cranking the motor amps stupidly high, it’s gonna have to happen eventually.


Bahaha that’s exactly where I started as well but you now what happened in my case beside new trucks: new geardrives, new motors, new batteries, new esc, new hubs, new tires. So only the deck and the F5 bindings remained. It cost me a lot of money, but I don’t have kids plus a midlife crisis, so I’m allowed to :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Please stop talking about high voltage! I’m broke!


Why Not Both Linus Both GIF - Why Not Both Linus Both - Discover & Share GIFs

DO IT. She’s a beauty for esk8


Man that deck looks so much better than the old MBS decks. They nailed it


Ok, if I’m not trying to cut my own M3 riptides and go with mbs bushings (I got two orange and two red) should I still mount them on my old Radium adapters with the titanium pin? The adapter seems to fit nicely, but the ti pin seems to dive alot deeper into the mbs bushing… Maybe the longer pin gives me more range from loose to stiff? Idk

I know this thread is mainly for matrix iii stuff, but the rockstar ii pro xl hubs were also discussed here, so I thought I’ll share this here too and it might be useful for someone. I made a 3D printed widener for them:


When u speak of minor adjustments r u speaking of drilling holes in the bushings? Preesh🤙🏼

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I mean minor adjustments in preload.

So just turning the set screws a quarter turn.


I’m imagining myself completely destroying a set or two of bushings before getting it right. Did you post that jig file anywhere?

I made a +5 degree wedge for the Matrix 3 that look sweet af with tapered sides, and they come with captive angled washers. They rest against the wall/bushing mount to eliminate the need for a spanner

Let me know if you’d like other angles!

(i reduced the taper on this one a tad so it didn’t cover the sticker)


Interesting idea with the washers. Does that mean you don’t need to drill out the internal threading in the baseplates? I’d love to have a -5… Is that in the works?

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we do still need to drill out the holes, but I could do flat captive washers, so going back to no wedge is an option

i’ll do the -5 next

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well making the -5 wedge was easy enough, but the washers need adjusting, so I took it a step further, and now they’re nut holders :person_shrugging:

and they’re on printables


Here is a picture of the RipTide Singularity Bushing installed in a MBS Matrix III truck. Just a teaser for now!




Mission accomplished!!!


These look KILLER!

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You can see the preload plate though!


I noticed that MBS are selling a “cleaner” CNC version of the Matrix 3’s ! I’m not reading anything about these on here ?

I almost jumped the gun on the “old” ones , Could get a pair here in the lowlands…
Now i suddenly noticed the “cnc” ones and now i’m in doubt about which one to order !

only difference i can see, and quite a nice one too i think, is that the new hanger is one piece cnc’d instead of the big fat weld on the hanger (making it a 2 piece welded together hanger on earlier ones ??).

5 pound price difference in the UK, 95 quid for the cnc version (90 for the normal). Fluxmotion here in EU sells them also but a bit too expensive i think when i calculate pounds to euro’s…

Thoughts on these cnc ones from you all please ?


I also noticed the hanger profile on the CNC version is 22x22 mm which is nice for motor mount and gear drive compatibility