MBNEF 43: Mostly But Not Entirely Flat deck

For such a big deck, single stack 21700 is maybe enough ?
How do you guys even carry those huge cruisers in the stairs ? XD


Can it be comfortably used with 8 inch wheels?

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prob 12s4p - 14s4p for single stack (thats comparing to the eboosted double stack not bens)

I think it will be fine. I only tested with thanes (TB110) so far. I don’t have any 8" wheels but I have 7" Evolve. Will try to do a quick test tomorrow.


Yes. For now it’s mainly so that I (and maybe a few other folks) have something to use for a quick build to do some testing.

If all looks good, I will work with Ben on a custom enclosure.

Also, if Ben’s RE 44 enclosure fits, maybe the eBoosted RE 44 will fit as well and that one is DS.


LOOOVE the look on that enclosure :heart_eyes:


I think you should call this deck the “Pete Davidson” or just Pete. Cause it’s got that big deck energy. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@janpom what do you think of “Tabula Rasa” as a name for this nice blank slate you have made, for all the many builds to be based on? :grin:

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I do like the sound of it much much better than Big Flat! … but… would the name imply something like “designed by a guy who had no clue what he’s doing”? :sweat_smile:

For some reason viper or serpent sprung to mind, maybe the tip of the deck reminded me of a cobra or something :stuck_out_tongue:

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Haha that’s certainly not how I meant it :joy: Though I see your point.

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That’s actually not a coincidence. I deliberately shaped the tip to resemble a snake head. I’m glad that somebody recognized it. I initially wanted to name it Python (after my favourite programming language) or maybe Pyboard or Pydeck (which most people who don’t program in Python probably wouldn’t get). I rethought the name idea later but the tip shape remained.


can we continue @Brenternet’s legacy and call it dave…


I’ll think about it… No.


:cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob: :cry: :sob:

we all love dave

can we continue with the name theme though
john is a reliable and trustworthy name. if a deck was called john i would know it wouldnt break on me. john is just something you can rely on

Of course it should be named “the Black Mamba”



I tested 7" Evolve wheels. Those are a good fit.

Wheel bite is not a problem at all with these cheap TKP trucks. I believe 8" would still be OK.

RKP may need a riser, or wider hanger, or smaller wheels.

I’m looking forward to putting the deck on something nicer. SR TKP in raw would be nice or the new makerx trucks if I can get a set. I think I’ll go with a black and raw color scheme.


okay im sold.


How about Juicy Lucy? The Hot Flat? The Flat Fast? The Pseudoplank? Ultaplanktronic. The Wham Bam Slap The Lamb? Jack Be Nimble, Jack Be Flat? The Boardwalk…or Boardroll. Skatebraham Lincoln? Board Washington? Tony Wheelflare? Skate Winslet?


LOL :joy: