MBNEF 43: Mostly But Not Entirely Flat deck

you could manually apply concave with a sander but wouldnt look so neat

install some @SabreDynamics Concave pads :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Quick vid to show the flex. I’m about 75 kg.

If standing in the middle, there’s a fair amount of flex. With the standard riding stance, there’s a little bit but you can barely feel it.


Wow that’s a super small drop.

Looks nice !

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This thing needs a name. Where’s @Brenternet? :slight_smile:

I kinda like “granda plata”. Though my Spanish is limited to “puedo beberlo pero no puedo pagarlo” :laughing:, I like the sound of the language and “granda plata” sounds very Spanish. It’s actually Esperanto for “big flat”.


Boom, you just named it. No sense beating around the brush with other languages, slap this label on and send it. Big Flat for the win!

It’s not bad and obviously it was my starting point but it sounds too much like something you would have at McDonald’s. :slight_smile: I need the name to reflect on all the love that went into the design and manufacturing (I mean, except for drilling the truck holes :sweat_smile:). It should sound like something you would have in a good French restaurant. I’m afraid Big Flat just won’t do. :slight_smile:


Looks nice but way too expensive. Maby needs to be thicker ?

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I don’t think so. AFAIK, Red Ember 44 is 9ply and it’s even slightly bigger than this. This is 11ply. More layers would make it even more expensive.

And yes, I agree that at 200 EUR it’s already too expensive. I talked to the manufacturer about the price and it seems there’s some room for negotiation.


Pretty sure I have “that” pcb in my cupboard. :joy:


For those not knowing what the hell we’re talking about, consider enlightening yourself here. :smiley:


Wtf “granda plata” means nothing in Spanish :rofl:

What is that supposed to mean?

You may want to read the whole post. :wink:

I think it would be a killer among flat earthers. Judging by their numbers you’ll swim in cash within 24h


Nice work. I would love to see a budget alternative to Bioboards 46 deck, especially if the price was closer to €150. Hopefully you can bring it down.

I think $200/€200 would be am excellent price for a deck+enclosure combo, if thats in the cards to offer :slightly_smiling_face:


We talked about the price a bit more and 150 EUR including VAT seems realistic.

Also, it might be that Ben’s enclosure for Red Ember 44 will fit. He currently doesn’t have any on hand but he’s going to make one and send it to me so that I can test fit it. Here’s an overlay I have done using a picture that Ben has sent to me, which looks promising.


Looks dope :slight_smile:

isnt bens redember only single stack?