MBM’s Non-Osha Approved Build Cave

Your favorite ncsd employee is unlikely to let wheels on glass pass again, even though the tires would have to be embedded with granite stones to even begin to present danger to the glass or its tint film.

If you’ve ever seen those pop up shelters, their long zippered case will likely conceal it nicely, even unzippered.


That’s a good thought

I think my end all be all is to be accommodative to them but just enough

I will just stand it up like it is in the photo, but hold onto it with my legs while I sit, I will take up the whole isle, but if they argue, its not against the glass, not touching anything, other than me and the ground.

Waiting for those dang Turnigy 6s 20ah Lipos to go on sale again whenever that may be, so I can just forget about this and ride to work

Problem solved, now to sit like this for an hour an 15 min


It took me a minute to pull the trigger but I finally ordered the deck for the meepo swap

I wanted to basically go as small as comfort will allow, and I think i’ll be happy with this size

Just need to order a bms and a bet of batteries bit for now I think I will just run the stock batteries and do literally just a deck swap

But lipos will be coming at some point in the future

In other news I bought an ac unit for our apartment bc it’s been 100f+ degrees inside from sun up to 9pm

Nothing special and amazing but i’m saving that money for the bill it’s going to accrue, I just wanted something small to keep a single room like a fridge and not have to worry about being heat soaked everywhere

I also ordered the right usb c ports to charge my phone my board


How wide are your trucks?

My mini deck, about that size, has narrow tkp’s, and I’m afraid of Footbite if I go wider, and don’t want to lose a significant portion of the highly nimble 4 wheel on ground factor.

I don’t really use it kicktail, as it was so wheelie prone even, with weak hubmotors on 7s and lingyi throttle.

I lost my kicktail confidence back in the 90’s, so my back foot is just barely behind baseplate, and front foot atop.

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That is a good question, they are pretty narrow.

I plan on using a deck riser, but i’m also going to swap from the 105mm cloud wheels and go to the og 74mm small wheels, so i’m hoping those in combination will mitigate the wheel bite

At the same time I haven’t ridden a kick tail in a long time so i’m just excited to see how it feels powered. I will probably end up switching decks to a wider one, for now my gf will be riding it the 3 blocks to work, so something smaller and more manageable for her to ride was my thought

But if it’s good and I end up liking it more than I hate it now than I might just use it as a commuter if it’s small

Man i’m not sure if anyone else is feeling this heatwave but holy shit is it hot

Temps in Esco where I work are 106F and even after sitting in ac all day this is where my battery is sitting temp wise, after just a quick 5 min ride

So ridiculously hot, there is no escaping it, in fact it’s so bad I finally crumbled and spent the $200 on a portable ac unit just so I could have a little relief on these outrageously hot days

Had to check all my freestyle bikes, now is the season for them to be popping tires and luckily only one exploded before I was able to check them, darn high pressures

In other news I have been flying my kwads a little more over the past couple of days due to boredom and forgot how much fun they were lol

Now im waiting on motors for my 5” so I can get some better clips with the gopro, I miss the hardcore freestyle days

i got a window unit but it doesnt really do the trick. i ended up getting bored went to the skate shop for some hardware damn its pricey. they didnt have the shoes i want either

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Skate shops are so pricey

I don’t even like buy vans anymore in store unless it’s an outlet and they’re cheap

I wanted a window unit but had to get one of the shitty ones with a tube to the window

Fuck man what kinda shoes were you lookin for?

i dono something like this.

somehow when i slid injured the top of my foot looks like im going to be sol for 3 weeks at least.

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Damn dude that sucks

Idk where you’re based but dc, etnies, I think vans has something like that now even

The saga has ended

I told my nctd friend that they are rubber tires, and the other conductors told me i’m good

He goes “Oh they’re RUBBER”

And i’m like yeah bro and air, i’ll pay for it if I break it and he’s like yeah you will haha all good

Then he noticed I was wearing my chemical guys work shirt and asked if I worked for them, to which I responded with yes.

Sounds like he’s going to stop on by and pick some stuff up, quite funny how often conversations lead to that end

My only wish is that I am making money for other people doing that, but I want to make that money for myself, trying to figure out how to do that has been proven to be challenging

Sometimes I feel handicapped bc I have too much opportunity, and it makes it hard to choose, which leads to no opportunity, and finding the balance between knowing and being okay with not knowing.

It’s been really hot this week, one more day for that ac to get here and then hopefully a little bit of relief

Also I was going to turn up my controller from 65a back up to the 70a it was at, but I feel that’s getting into the danger zone a little, and with skp being reborn again I don’t want to fuck anything up I can’t replace

And it’s been surprisingly hard to keep my battery at a cool temp if i’m outside, it’ll sit with the air temp, about 105 at the highest, if im outside for more than 5 min, and riding it warms it up even more

I just have to be careful about storing it. I’ve been opening the case and unplugging for safety once I get home until they cool down to a more likeable temp

Soon as I return from a ride, I flip board upside down on workbench.

With IR temp gun, hunting for highest temp readings, I’ve been monitoring temps of hub motor caps, inside and out, Pneumatic tires, urethane, enclosure over battery, away from battery and adjacent to esc heatsink.

The deck away from enclosure, front passive hanger and rear heatsink hanger pretty much after every single ride, 2 or three times a day in insane Florida summertime heat.

Now that the sun angle is approaching the equinox the new black asphalt is not as blistering hot midday, it is way easier go keep it cooler.

I can now pretty accurately guess the temp numbers i will see depending on the sun strength and how long and hard I ran.

I’d like to know what the battery actual temperature is, and not just the enclosure atop it but i have a dumb bms, so comparative data is what I got.

Pretty rare I get my hub motor exterior above 137f, even midday towing.
When they are that, my hub motor hanger will be 112 to 117f
the urethane sleeves 122 to 127f
The turf tire pneumatics 112 to 116f, toe side hotter.
Front hanger 98.5f
Deck underside 97.5f

Enclosure over battery 101.5f
away from battery 97.5f
right next to heatsink 105 to 107f

Heatsink is unpainted aluminum, IR temp gun does not read properly on that , but usually feels nearly as hot as hub motor caps to my asbestos fingertips.

I can only guess how hot the esc got before I exposed the recessed heatsink to exterior airflow, then later added a lot more heatsink fins to reach for that passing airflow.

I can get things hotter riding fast to stop signs and braking hard, and going full out everywhere, but then remember I’m old with no health insurance and not enough safety gear, and back off.

With Fiona in tow, I ride far slower but the rare times I am solo, I will be far more aggressive and can get things way hotter, even moving 70 or so less pounds than when towing.

I usually blast a high rpm computer fan over the hanger and enclosure if I immediately plug in to charge in the hot as F garage, and will lower the charge current and fan speed accordingly, but I rarely exceed 0.6c, even when in a rush.

I don’t really want to move board into air conditioning, as it will then collect condensation, and fog up ike my sunglasses do when going from 75f and 50% inside humidity to 90f and 74% humidity.

I think fast temp changes would likely stress the electronics more than an average higher temp.

Warm up slow, cool down slow is probably better than going from 110f to 75f, back to 110f faster.

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I agree, extremes are where they really get unhappy

I’ve found in the sun both bms/battery temps will read 100f+, both those sensors are touching the plastic case, but I know if the case is that hot, then everything is that hot

I’ll pull the 2 lipos out and put them in front of a fan for better cooling, but I have only found myself needing to do that this week with the blistering temps

I haven’t measured any other temps, although my tire temps are probably the same if not a little higher than your pneumatic temps, I ride harder than most

I know motors and solo heat sink get up pretty high, but nothing concerning, and once i’m out of direct sunlight ie shade, then the temps seem to simmer back down to the mid 90s

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Did about 14miles today

Apartment is still hot even with ac running and it’s not as cold as moving in the wind at 30+mph

Went down to the coast again, but mistakenly left when the school near me got out, so I have to have fun with some idiotic traffic

Other than that it was fun tho, I got the gopro setup working pretty well so just finding to time to offload vids and edit them up, I have about 120gb of vids already since I got it

In other news the deck for the meepo swap is in its way and should get delivered tomorrow or the day after, so looking forward to getting that started

Oh and I also finally figured out a name for my main mtb

So I present

El Royale


How’d you settle on that name? Just thought it sounded cool or is there more to it?

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The colors

White and Purple where the colors of the royals back in the day

And I live in what is basically northern mexico so El Royale sounded right to me

I normally don’t name things until they go pop in my head

I’ve had my vesc named El Royale ever since I switched it out, just finally felt right to call it that with how good it’s been doing lol

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I finally got the deck delivered and got everything pulled off the meepo

Turns out the dual enclosures don’t fit so I will need to print out an enclosure for now, I just don’t have a print bed right now for my printer so ordered that and just waiting for that

Once I get the print bed then it’ll be off to the races

And no i’m not running those wheels, they are just on for now

But I am stoked on the feel very nicely made and for $30 i’m very happy, looks awesome feels awesome

Should be really fun once it’s ready to go


Quite proud of my new backup Loopkey

Figured I’d make it super small so It can fit well in my bag, turned out great

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