Soon as I return from a ride, I flip board upside down on workbench.
With IR temp gun, hunting for highest temp readings, I’ve been monitoring temps of hub motor caps, inside and out, Pneumatic tires, urethane, enclosure over battery, away from battery and adjacent to esc heatsink.
The deck away from enclosure, front passive hanger and rear heatsink hanger pretty much after every single ride, 2 or three times a day in insane Florida summertime heat.
Now that the sun angle is approaching the equinox the new black asphalt is not as blistering hot midday, it is way easier go keep it cooler.
I can now pretty accurately guess the temp numbers i will see depending on the sun strength and how long and hard I ran.
I’d like to know what the battery actual temperature is, and not just the enclosure atop it but i have a dumb bms, so comparative data is what I got.
Pretty rare I get my hub motor exterior above 137f, even midday towing.
When they are that, my hub motor hanger will be 112 to 117f
the urethane sleeves 122 to 127f
The turf tire pneumatics 112 to 116f, toe side hotter.
Front hanger 98.5f
Deck underside 97.5f
Enclosure over battery 101.5f
away from battery 97.5f
right next to heatsink 105 to 107f
Heatsink is unpainted aluminum, IR temp gun does not read properly on that , but usually feels nearly as hot as hub motor caps to my asbestos fingertips.
I can only guess how hot the esc got before I exposed the recessed heatsink to exterior airflow, then later added a lot more heatsink fins to reach for that passing airflow.
I can get things hotter riding fast to stop signs and braking hard, and going full out everywhere, but then remember I’m old with no health insurance and not enough safety gear, and back off.
With Fiona in tow, I ride far slower but the rare times I am solo, I will be far more aggressive and can get things way hotter, even moving 70 or so less pounds than when towing.
I usually blast a high rpm computer fan over the hanger and enclosure if I immediately plug in to charge in the hot as F garage, and will lower the charge current and fan speed accordingly, but I rarely exceed 0.6c, even when in a rush.
I don’t really want to move board into air conditioning, as it will then collect condensation, and fog up ike my sunglasses do when going from 75f and 50% inside humidity to 90f and 74% humidity.
I think fast temp changes would likely stress the electronics more than an average higher temp.
Warm up slow, cool down slow is probably better than going from 110f to 75f, back to 110f faster.