Maytech v2 remote

Unfortunately, yes.

Sounds like maytech fucked up on this one and we need to manually hook up hall sensors and shit?
@Eileen. Unity is fucked too. What protocol did you guys mess up on.

I checked the gearing settings inside the vesc firmware/ what reports on uart port. And a few other ticks. I can figure this shit out.

What is going on here


Can you take a picture of the connection?

Only input the Tx and Rx pins to the uart port and 5v grnd servo to the ppm(pwm)port. In the input wizard use ppm and uart.

Did you input gear ratio, wheel diameter, poles, and all that input on the remote as well as input data(vesc) on the remote?

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Yes. I messed around on both sides. Vesctool and remote settings

Still can’t get voltage to work,. Even with battery 50 volts through a jst to the Rx itself

You got yours working?

Nope I need to coordinate with someone who also has a TB6 vesc and see if they get the same issue as me. I can connect the PPM wire fine but when I plug in the TX and RX wires, the vesc with the receiver attached sends some funky power to the motor causing it to hand spin or throttle spin really weirdly. I would really like to hear if anybody else with the Tb6 is having the same issue. But all the data does come up on the remot even with the weird motor issue

That’s because you’re sending ppm signals and vesc motor commands at the same time


Call me. Let’s figure this out.

I think we got fucked


Thank you Kevin! :point_up:This fixed it! I really do appreciate that because I was banging my head wondering what the deal was. Did you try changing this setting? Menu 8 or Data Source.


Ok. Did some tests. Flipsky shows all uart data. Unity only battery amps. So unity and tb are fucked.

Yes I did. Doesn’t do a damn thing. I get some data. Just not all.

VESC non ppm works perfectly. Just not hud voltage or speed

Mines the same, speed is off when it does work, I’m using the davega so no biggy but a few hundred miles in, no connection issues, love the way it feels, positive feedback from triggers

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I had this experience with the vx2, “FOCBOX” showed nothing and threw every error in the book and “Flipsky” worked fine

Running uart. Haven’t gotten around to setting up this remote yet tho

Needs 5x firmware on unity to work

Relay is amazing and second 800 mAh solid state mosfets relay.
Hate the connector it comes with. It should have jst-ph. Lame as shit

Also careful to not set up the menu on the remote to output vesc for throttle if you have the servo signal hooked up. They fight each other


Good to hear, I want to use it to turn on my lights but they’ll take too much current, so I’ll having to use it to trigger something else. Not sure yet

The relay can handle quite a bit. Don’t trip. It’s mechanical

Hmm I mean it says it’s rated for 3A on the relay itself but each diode can take 3A (max), so total 6A for my setup, I think that would be asking a lot

As long as you only switching 5 to 12v transistor and relay are fine. I have switching on my 12 lamps 1800mah and on turning on my neopixels and esp32 5v 3000mah


So, what did you do to hook it up? Trim the connectors?

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