You are like my off-road brother from down unda.
Dremel around and under the best you can to try and tuck it in a bit better then seal it up again. I think it would be fine.
Mixed some fused silica into epoxy to thicken it up a bit and troweled it on to cover the wires and create some shape.
You can get a really nice consistency with the fused silica, I imagine it’d be great for battle hardening.
Lol fuck that. I’m a hardware man.
How does the long phase wires not worry you? I though that it makes the ESC much more likely to blow
If you run 12s everything under 1m will not cause you any big problems. Especially not if you use big wires and route them close to each other.
only one way to find out.
AFAIK think long phase wires is safer than long power wires. long power wires can often cause large voltage spikes during re-gen which breaks stuff.
Really enjoying the progress man! This is going to be awesome…
I put an extra layer of resin on to try get a smooth finish… i shouldn’t have
Definitely needs a good sand but its not cured enough yet.
Cleaned up epoxy off the ports and sanded to shape with 120 grit. 180 and 240 left to go at least the hard work is done, the finer grits are just a rub down.
Great job man!!!
How much does that wood/epoxy/Glass/wire combo weight?
Really productive quarantine.
What’s that bad boy weigh?
@Soflo @Tamatoa not sure what it weighs just yet, but I still have to add a big lump of polyurethane to it so it’s gonna get even heavier
I’m expecting the total finished board weight to be at least 27kg
At least a thief would have a hard time running away with it.
Got the urethane in, pigmented it with epoxy pigment so I hope that doesn’t fuck it up or I’m gonna have a big mess on my hands
Now i gotta work on pouring an epoxy riser for the davegax as the base plate for it sits up on the wire channels.
Long phase wires is a non-issue, the inductance from the motors is way more. Long battery wires is where problems creep in.
I run 1.5m phase wires from my backpack, you wouldn’t know any different from short ones by how the board performs.