I have a mtb dedicated to getting smashed up and dirty in the woods.
This is going on a long range explorer board that I’ll be running at high speeds for long amounts of time. High kv, 9" wheels, 5:1 gearing may run a bit hot so taking all the help I can get.
I recall someone mentioning the sealed having another big bearing on it but I might have made that up.
6396 is the max for @moon’s gears on my setup. Max always scares me but I obviously want the biggest I can fit as well. I thought the maytech might have had the wrong bolt spacing though.
Yeah I had quite some troubles with my aps motors, but I also can tell that customer service always was very good and I got my broken bells replaced. Battle harden is a must and maybe from time to time a bearing change isn’t bad either, but to look for which price the motors are sold Just get a third as spare and it’s still cheaper than other brands
I didn’t bought some v2 yet. My gears, sprockets and pulleys are all 10mm (ok not all…)
but definitely way playing with the idea to get some v2.
I know @rich and @Lee_Wright bought some of the new motors. Maybe one of them had the opportunity to get them out for a test ride.
If your main goal is to reduce heat, and you don’t need the power of bigger motors, have you thought about holding out for higher voltage? That would open up your motor options a bit.
Never heard of them, I’ll give them a look. HV stuff is expensive and I already bought cells and an enclosure for a planned battery. I mentioned going higher voltage to the storm core folks but wasn’t chosen to try it out so I’ll see how that plays out from afar for now.
I’m not overly worried about the heat, just didn’t need sealed motors and playing safe.