LiPo Balance Lead PCB (gouging interest)

Hey everyone,
So recently I posted in the pictures and nothing else thread and got quite a few responses for my post

Now, I’m in the process of designing some more universal PCB’s for yall but i have a few questions.

SMD Fused or not fused? (3A)

  • Fused
  • Not Fused

0 voters

Would you buy one? If so how many?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5+

0 voters

What do you think of this idea? (be honest on this)

  • Great idea!
  • Good idea but meh
  • Boring

0 voters

I’m hoping to design and have these at my place by the 3rd week of January as I’m currently in Germany.

The idea of the board is reducing the need to solder those pesky balance lead connections in parallel or even just together to a bms. Eg rather than one of these:

You have a pcb that you simply plug your lipos into and then at the bottom the door pinouts can be used to solder your bms cable straight onto.

I’ll most likely be designing 3 boards:

  • 12s1p
  • 12s2p
  • 12s3p

Each of these will have the option to come with different JST-XH connections. Eg if you’re only running 10s2p you simply buy the 12s2p board, but only buy the 5s (6pin) jst-xh connector.
Here’s some pics of what I got:

What are your thoughts yall? @mmaner ?
(edit: the traces are 0.3mm thick which is good enough for 1 amp, just so yall know)


How did I miss that???
Would be down for 2x 12s2p.


Not sure of the practicality, but what about a modular system that allows users to build up any size using single-lipo modules that connect rigidly to each other?


Are you planning on having an external bms? You could find a 12pin connector that’s waterproof and mount it like you would a normal charge port. I really like the idea and would have used this if I went with lipos.

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Yeah the idea is to have an external bms. However as they always come with these ugly connectors with wires hanging off them, the idea is to solder directly to the pcb and then plug your lipos in.

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Yeah I was looking at higo connectors and resoldering pins to make a more friendly connector. They seem to stop at 10 pins though

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I’ll keep you posted @Andy87 :heart:


yeahnah see that throws it out. A 14 pin molex would probably be easiest. bit chunky but they work

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Like the idea, props for getting it done.
But fatten those traces. I know the balance currents arent much to talk about. But these Lipos will now push on eachother to get equilibrium, You have plenty of PCB so I sudgest use it! :slight_smile:


Second this :point_up:

good call. what do you recommend? 3a capable?

I think this is an awesome idea. This will move lipos from MTBs and risky balance harnesses to common use.

The only thing I would suggest us making a solder point for multiple cells in parallel and series. As in if you have 4 lipo locations make them in sets of 2 so you can have 1p with 4 lipos or 2p with 2 & 2 lipos.


Just decide on a formfactor on the PCB and use as much of it as u can. I’d guesstimate the peak amps are above single numbers but they wont last for more then a few milliseconds(give that the Li-pos are somewhat equal, the more they drift the bigger the potential current)

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i dont understand. Would you be able to make a rough drawing?

valid point. also gotta remember the jst-xh connectors aren’t designed to take more than 3a so that’s probably enough…right?
Also gotta remember that it’d be split among the balance leads

Yeah, its prob a non issue, but make the traces atleast as wide as the pitch allows :slight_smile:

Also routing it in parallell makes for a smoother layout(you probably already had that placement in mind but just thought I’d mention it) ;


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yeah see this was the original idea. however it makes it alot harder to hide or sit the pcb to the side of the batteries. with the way I’ve got it now, you can sit it down one side of the group of batteries

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Yeah, I figure that was the point :smiley:

If they sit inbetween each pack it adds too much space I guess?

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@riako you should have a look. Considering the big battery you will make


haha just when I was answering the pools :smiley: