What exactly are you running on that?
You have the rc switch? Been trying to find someone who uses one to figure out how it works and what voltages it works with
Noooo dont leave I need you
How much current/voltage is passing through your system? I want to buy one for my headlight but scared i burn it
You just made my life so much more complicated
If you need some good quality flashlights for a cheap price, nothing beats the Convoy S2+
€ 13,15 | Gray Convoy S2+ with luminus SST20,DTP copper plate,ar-coated glass lens,7135 biscotti firmware
Put simply for a simple minded Canadian eh?
40w lightbar
12s battery
Turnigy rc switch
What do I need to do for it to work?
But since I dont have a use for the buck, can’t i plug the switch inline between the battery and light?
So…the rc switch would work and not burn after 10 seconds? Again, simple minded Canadian eh
Oh damn. Okay well now I’m seriously thinking about paying more in shipping than what it costs
Can’t find anything else than the 30v version
Could the pico work? It doesn’t state how many amps it can handle at 60v dc
Yes but…(simple excuseblablabla…eh)
I’m waiting for a yes or no to either drill a new hole for a physical switch or bring it back to the store
Battle is too big for the space height wise that I have left
Sure. I’ll be buying the pico once I get back home
Sometimes I want that exact behaviour from my board lights. But this is good to know.
Do you have a build/parts list? Im looking for a decent light thats around 2000lumens+
Edit: disregard I scrolled down and saw your parts list.
lots of these style lights have a constant current driver already integrated.
I use one of the cheep 9W versions on my board
I have it so that it plugs directly into my charge port at 50v
It draws from your charge port eh? That’s wickedly clever. Any special circuitry integration for that?
I have the same thing running with the 40W variant of the same light. You just plug it in and you get tons of light, 25W in my case at 40V (it’s a constant 0.60A of draw at any voltage because they have a built in current limiting shunt)