Let there be ESK8 lights


The Maytech V2 is what I’m using to switch on my lights, triple press of the button triggers the relay. Pretty neat. Unfortunately I blew up my receiver when I wired it incorrectly, so now I am waiting for a new one…

The damage left the relay intact somehow but the throttle control was broken

I’ll probably post about it in my built thread later… Very irritating and disappointing


I recently assembled a gt2b Cho mod but had it printed with 15mm extra length and used that space to incorporate the 3rd channel button everyone cuts off


Doesn’t that just switch the active channel that’s being used?

You know what, it would be interesting to see someone use the steering control pot to be like a dimmer or something

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I thought about trying but since the picoswitch is a relay I think it wouldn’t have played nice with dimming voltages

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Not sure what you mean?


Is now this

I have a pico switch plugged between my headlight and main current. It has an connector you plug into the remote receiver to control a relay to open and close whatever is plugged into it


I just mean I thought that that button in the Gt2b didn’t do anything useful

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@ShutterShock I think it’s just the fact people don’t usually have a use for it.
I have a second channel button on my aps and wanted to use it. Now that it’s breaking into pieces I wanted something with an extra channel button to replace it.


The GT2B is a 3-channel transmitter. Throttle, steering, aux, or 1, 2, 3. The aux/3 toggles between low and high when you push that button.

It’s how I set up my high/low beam headlight on my last board.


If your LED driver supports a dimming signal, you can use a microcontroller to translate RC signals to whatever the LED driver understands. That’s how I did my brake/tail lights that brighten when you apply brakes.


My light bar is directly connected to power (on exception of the picoswitch itself)
My led underglow is addressable and connected to a Bluetooth driver.

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If you’re feeling especially adventurous you might be able to dig into it and swap the internal driver (It has to have something, if only a resistor) for one that does support dimming.

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I’ll let someone else destroy theirs :joy:

Its this one. It states 12v to 24v operating voltage but if you dig further down, it says 9 to 60. Mine is plugged directly to my 12s through the charge side of my bms


I was really hoping to see you drop in at the end of that video :joy:

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I haven’t tested it yet. Are you saying it’s always on? Don’t wanna blow up my relay with a test

the Mad Munkey mod has a place for the 3rd channel button if you really need it. I got two of those remotes, they are a bit more tedious to mod though

STL: https://electric-skateboard.builders/t/gt2b-mad-munkey-v1-enclosure-now-ready-for-download/2814/12


Yeah I knew about that possibility but I find it looks too…boxy? I don’t like squared corners, too many failure points If I crash

RLY?? I have one of those I’m pretty sure. Got it used from @ZachTetra

Do I trust :grimacing:

so it self current limits as well?
hmm that would make sense given it’s meant to be a light bar

do you have a link for these other ones too?

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I can’t vouch for other’s purchases :joy: there were so many different versions of this light bar when I bought it. I wanted the easiest hookup possible.

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I was testing it a while back and it is current limited, I thing it pulls 0.866A regardless of the input voltage (it starts up at 6V and gets brighter up to at least 50v, but you get diminishing returns and its like 90% bright at 20V)