Let there be ESK8 lights

I did notice that after I posted, I thought it was tape at first.

Have you tried tape?

It’s a square surface vs a round one. So taping is sketchy at best

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What about that flex seal shit you soak in water then it turns Into like fiberglass.

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Dont want it to become bulkier than it already is :joy:

Have you open up the enclosure? Maybe you could add the pcb to a smaller enclosure that wouldn’t be as bulky to combined with the remote.


@Myke I haven’t dismantled it fully but from what I can see, the pcb is round like the casing around it and the thickness comes from the toggle switch

It seems I might be able to cut off some of the pcb (where the screws are)
But I think if I go that route I will be buying a second one first in case it all goes south
Also, if it does go south, I’m fucked as this is my only aps remote and they dont sell them anymore

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I just got a delivery of these lights! Did you ever end up with a custom mounting solution? You can’t beat the price of these! 2 for $14 free shipping!

oh coin cell interesting.

I think I’d like to go all out on lighting for one of my boards see how good I can make it look at night.

Turns signals is something I would want, as well as addressable LED strips. Dimmable headlights and maybe a horn.

Probably a good Idea to get a back up. Whats the price for one of these?

@Myke 25$ iirc

@Fosterqc why are you describing my board?


Nice I just got the same headlights! Can you show a pic of how you mounted it?


Is that a custom bracket?

@Myke Yeah…the original broke into pieces after a few days


Yeah I’m still using the stock bracket. It’s been bent a few times now but seems to be holding up ok.

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I don’t see lights right away when I look at this photo, I see this awesome shit right here


@b264 you mean my handle?


Yes, exactly. I remember a thread for it too but I’m too lazy to search for it.

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I think its in my thread that turned into a discussion about languages :joy:

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Yasssss. Its coming together :slight_smile: