LACROIX Stormcore ESC and iOS app info

I believe it’s an 8085. It’ll have some whoosh.


Yes, won’t be long till you hear from us. Over 50 people showed interest, which is very nice but it’s too much for us to handle on this first batch - we’ll likely start with around 10. We’ll reach out to the chosen builders shortly - within a week. Thanks for your patience.


Just dropping this here, Stormcore iOS app will soon be updated for 5.0, then I’ll re-enable the beta

Also, in the future I’ll be open sourcing a native Objective-C library for VESC telemetry and communication. Should make it super simple for anybody who wants to interface with VESC based hardware running the official firmware releases. Just need to clean it up and battle test it more.


Is there any plan for a website/website partnership, or will ya’ll be selling entirely on here

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Objective-C still a thing? Why not Swift? :smile:


Still too much language change release to release, slow build times, too many undocumented language specific issues. The entire industry jumped on Swift in the beginning, me included, and now we’re paying the price. Where I work, 98% of new production code is written in Objective-C and a lot of the Swift code in our codebase is considered “legacy”. Stability is key and I want this to last years, not just half a year until Apple releases tthe new Swift standards.


If you don’t use HolyC yerbad…

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Feel free to port the library to TempleOS :slight_smile:

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High voltage allows you to get away with lower current. Power is a different matter though. P=IV = V^2/R. For the same power, you can up voltage and use less current. Increasing power requires something to give on both ends. :stuck_out_tongue:

That being said, I do agree a bigger motor might be in order :sweat_smile:


Just out of interest…

I know that there’s been a lot of hype about the higher RPMs we can spin our motors at now thanks to the higher voltage, but would it make sense to use these high voltage ESCs at the speeds we’re used to, just taking advantage of using a higher S count battery? Like, if it can do the same amps at low speeds as other ESCs, then there would be no downside, right? (Or would I be uselessly wasting efficiency by not utilizing the max speed available?)

I’m just thinking that the loud noise caused by the high motor speed + need to find even higher gearing reduction is quite annoying…


Ok, Stormcore for iOS testing has resumed. You MUST use FW 5 for it to work. Testing build of tool that includes Unity and Stormcore firmware here: Testflight link to join the beta is here:


Only for the stock Unity BLE right? Not metr Pro as well?

Correct. Currently using the Metr Pro will crash the app. I think.


Nope, just doesn’t connect.

Probably cause Metr Pro identifies itself as something else other than “Stormcore” or “Unity”


I’ll swap back to stock BLE and test it today.

can’t speak for others but this the shit that sells itself. no need for website partnership, youtube ambassadors, or other types to pimp it out for payola


I mean look at the waiting list, and that’s just for the beta program. We all be like: Pick me, pick me!


To be fair there’s a substantial discount.


Any idea when the android port might happen? Just curious. Few weeks? Few months? Never? lol