I guess so.
I better start laying out the cells…
UNITY FW 5.0, smart reverse is buggy (at least for me). Going down, braking and struggling to reverse. After about 5-10 seconds of struggle it finally manages. Dual 6354 sensored motors. Traction control enabled.
Edit: this was actually my mistake. I did not enable Hall Sensors.
How’d you get metr Pro to work on it? I’ve switched to Forward with Brake, since I suspect Smart Reverse doesn’t play well with HFI yet.
I am not using HFI. I am running Metr Pro beta firmware, it supports FW 5.0. If you want to early beta test it send logs from metr -> Settings -> Show Logs to support@metr.at and write that you want to test firmware that supports VESC FW 5.0. I will add your Metr Pro to the list that will receive this test update.
Done, how do I update on iPhone though?
You will also need updated app. Currently App Store is very slow reviewing apps. You will get instructions when update is live. Thanks!
So @Arch is there any update?
Im guessing that your having to deal with lots of stuff due to the fact the world is falling apart but im just wondering if your still planing to pick testers? maybe this has already happened or maybe its likely to be delayed?
I ask because i notice that some of peoples “Committed day of Mayden voyage” has already passed. seems like people might need to adjust these estimates to still be current and accurate.
Due to the current situation im guessing there is a lot of builders sat around with a lot of free time for building (i know i am) if you still plan to send them out before the delivery services shut down completely
Yes please.
anyone know if the updated Unity FW will allow setup/changes without unplugging the Metr pro?
Not over BT, not unless you’re on the metr Pro 5.0 beta, and on Android as the Apple version is still going through approval. @rpasichnyk
5.0 is still beta?
5.0 is still on the dev branch.
esk8 is still beta.
Yes, 5.0 is still beta / dev
lol…you have a valid point there. I’m to chicken shit to try it though…
you know what’s gonna happen…later tonight around 2 AM …I’m gonna get bored and go for it.
You know you want to!
oh yes… in the worse way
Is that a 6355 50-55amp max? Come on put a large motor on the to test it befor you lose you rep of crazy speed and power demon.
Is the deck on that rig made out of plywood?