LACROIX Stormcore ESC and iOS app info

Thank you! That was incredibly useful info.
Just to confirm…for a solid-state version of the button it would need to have an open-circuit rating at least as high as the pack voltage?


Correct. It is a high impedance path to batt+


I’m almost positive it’s more than that. I have to hold for a good 2 to 3 seconds on my LsSS

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Yeah, maybe I increased it for safety reasons at some point


Feel like I’m also seeing this on one of my original 100d’s. Not sure the best solution. Maybe just go at it with a glue gun. Not ideal.


Looks like it’s currently set at 2 seconds.

Also, off topic but . . . I have some friends running dual 60d in 4wd. They are running the current latest Fw5.2 release and have a standard CAN cable.

They seem to have some issues getting them to shutdown reliably using the button. Seems like as one shuts down the other reboots causing them both to reboot and turn on. Shutdown with the inactivity timeout seems to work fine.

Any ideas for a solution to this?


i prefer perky hardware, but any hardware is hardware!

Firmware 5.3 is working that out I believe along with my most desired 2nd uart

Wait, are you saying the launch 100D will be gaining the use of the uart? Because it would be great if that’s the case. I have two that I’d love to have the second uart.

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I’m not technical on those kind of things so wouldn’t know

I wouldn’t hold my breath but I’m also very hopeful my original 60d will have a second uart one day.

I was told it wasn’t a possible fix via FW change :cry:

Most likely why there’s a 60d+ and a 100d v2…

I’m on v2

The launch 60d and 100d will not be getting the other UART enabled

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That’s what I thought. Flasher confused me though.

Sorry? 🤷

I’m on newer versions

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Get 5.1. Have been using it for all 4wd boards we ship. (We use 60D and 100D)


Greetings, not sure if this was clarified on the earlier posts yet, didn’t read lul.

Is the stormcore’s push to start able to be disabled in VESC tool? Or would I need the Lacroix app to do that?

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roll to start


lacrocs app mainly just does logging

mayyyyybe it can be thrned off in the vesc tool
if anything it’s not too big a deal specially on thane builds, i rarely got mine to turn on just dragging it round

if it’s AT, if it sits round for the specified time you set on the tool it’ll just auto shutoff :man_shrugging:

Can anyone tell me what the VBAT connections purpose is on the Stormcore? (the one on the JST)

I’m really hoping it is connected to the dry side of the Anti-spark, as I’d like a battery indicator that switches with the ESC.