Lacroix Introduces: The Barrel

more personal negativity cuz u dont like the results of the video LOL. :man_facepalming:. i was smart to not to come on this forum for so long lol. dunno what i was thinkin now . hope u find some happiness :call_me_hand:t3:




A true blessing.


the “results” being that you’re too incompetent to adjust the VESC settings, and consider the board incompetent on acceleration because it’s geared for a much higher top end than you should be riding at, and you’re unable to understand how turning up the motor amps would negate that. cough


Also 8in wheels vs 6in in a drag race hahaha

Could’ve at least installed 6in on the barrel to make it a fair race, its basic physics


He’d have to go to college for that.


I learned the formula for torque in highschool

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I didn’t take physics in HS lol

And that’s why you probably will have to take in college


Next semester :kissing_heart:

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I see physics questions in my DMs in my future


Yeah but let’s be honest, your review was not very good. You complained about 12mm axles not being compatible with a standard skate tool. You don’t have the experience or knowledge to provide a useful review of the barrel, because you don’t know much about basic esk8 parts and mechanics.

Your channel has potential. Maybe do 5 minutes of research into VESC tool and gear ratios. I could have customized your barrel in like 5 minutes to address 90% of your complaints. Your review is painful to watch because the things you bitch about are so easy to modify to suit your personal taste. The barrel is very customizable, but you’re too lazy to learn how to do that, and as a DIY enthusiast - that is super disappointing to see.

Also man, the video production was dog shit on that review. All the editing where you talk over yourself at transitions is awful. You should fix that.


No we didn’t. You made a terribly edited video, put minimal research into anything you were reviewing or how you were reviewing it and calling things “issues” just because you didn’t understand them. Calling your methodology flawed would be a compliment. I’ve seen more informative memes than your content.

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Just curious not negative…did you get loaned a Barrel for no cost to do the review? Did you buy one and are disappointed?


He bought the board

So watched through the vid just now, Im going to play devils advocate here and say theres some real valid points from the perspective of the average buyer, asking peeps to change settings out of the box at this price point for a production model is a valid criticism, and it looks like theres still some fit and finish issues (aka raggedy gasket bits and tooling scratches)

However comparing it to Atlas/GTR clones undermines a lot of his better points, the barrel is in the enthusiast category and form factor wise its a touring board, not a carver, so a lot of nuance is lost in those comparisons.

Also y’all calling out production quality got me sweating for when I start shooting b-roll for the Atlas :sweat_smile:


Someone has to cut that fuckers arms off. Or he could double as one of the blowup arm waving dudes at car dealerships

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yeah its almost like everyone has the same opinion. Your head is so far up your own ass the lack of self-awareness is just cringe, not even just your riding style


why are you incredibly proud of a rubbish video that is obviously extremely rushed out the day you received the board

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I will say one thing @esk8unity was very right about was lacroix being super late with shipping, my friend ordered early September and still doesn’t have the board. Best they could do is send free bushings lol

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Lol that’s my IG. His comments kept coming up in my feed and I called it straight up. Dude was crying hard. His kaly vid is just as bad if not worse.