Lacroix Introduces: The Barrel

if you come from popsicle decks I would think you would like smaller, tldr there is no point in going further than an athletic stance width, and shorter = tighter turning radius. The example he gives of the turning radius is weird/misleading because I have ridden a prototipo & lonestar and the turning radius should be way tighter.
He also appears to have a bandage wrapping on his hand / arm, I wonder if he got hurt riding the board and got pissed.


Betcha he tried going full throttle with a ham fisted approach right outta the box being used to hobbywing esc’s and got chucked. Dude spent a solid 2 hours arguing about how he absolutely has to floor it with all of his boards and yet wont turn up the power on the VESC settings (i wonder why)


Yeah, blows me away how many people ride with these spread out stances, locked into the ends of their board. I’m 6’4" and have zero issues riding the Prototipo- athletic stance is spot on- your legs should be aligned to your shoulders and knees bent. If that feels wrong, you need to practice more and build balance & strength in your legs.

I started boardsports with surfing and DH, some of the locknee cowboy stances folks use in Esk8 crack me up. It’s a crutch one should be trying to overcome.


@TheBoardGarage the onewheel guy :joy:

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Bet the parts and electronics on the barrel will last longer then the chinese brands.

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My exway would like a word.


@evwan 's exway just shat out on him while riding around a campus apparently :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a 2 year old water damaged exway flex with a motor that sounds like hell. I’m not surprised. The only reason I didn’t fall was because I was literally expecting it to give out. I have some fresh motors I’ll throw on there to give it a new shot at existence


How’d you even end up with that?

Anyways, before i get too far off topic - I dont doubt lacroix is gonna last a hell of a lot longer, i’ve owned my share of other budget boards and there’s a reason that’s past tense haha. Only point of concern i see is the little enclosure washers/gaskets, if those deteriorate too quickly they could lead to undue wear

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It was free

Anyone else in here receive a barrel? Would love to hear more feedback on how it is.

my exway would also like a word

Mines been stuck in customs the past few days - should hopefully get it tomorrow but just in time for a full week of rain :cry:

I’ve had my Barrel for a few weeks. I’m really enjoying it. For me, it’s a Proto-two-po. My last board was a DIY Subsonic + eBoosted + 10S5P 18650 + TB Direct Drive. I’ve got a Flux v1 build I’ve been procrastinating on, so this was a nice out-of-the-box option. The alternative was trying catch and/or bid up a Prototipo unobtainium.

My rubber washers on the enclosure screws are fine. The take torque on mode 3 of the Hoyt Puck suits me, but I came from a direct drive board, so I lack a good frame of reference. The good thing is that I don’t need to love the stock acceleration. I’ll end up tweaking all sorts of settings in VESC Tool.

I feel like the Barrel isn’t about an initial impressions video. For me it’s the combination and options around speed versus carving. I find the Hypertrucks Lite setup a nice happy medium between the two, but I’m sure I’ll play around different bushing combos in the future.

In addition to being a Prototipo alternative, I’ve got a set of nice components (enclosure, ESC, trucks, etc.). None are throw-away.


Watch out, youre going to trigger @TheBoardGarage talking like that :kissing_heart:


nice review, I def agree that there needs to be better videos/instructions out there on how to use the vesc tool, app is not intuitive.
Also, I will get to try a barrel on the tack this week, well see how it does.


funny how ONE more barrel review comes out and basically confirms everything i showed as results, and everyone is quiet :joy: hahahahaha . anyone wanna make a barrel review and do something different than me and jared, no one stoppin ya… the negativity is just ridiculous. never seen a forum so hateful before in my entire life. mad weird

sorry if i used ur last post as a “reply”. wasnt aiming that at u exactly. dont use this forum at all and its a little funky to me. :call_me_hand:t3:

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Haven’t watched either video, but maybe the other guy isn’t a knob :man_shrugging: