Kushboard Pico, an even lighter build! | 121c Orbiter | BN 145mms Belt drive | 10s1p P42A | Mach 1s |

I feel like the only thing that could make this build better would be the bn145 hangers.

Awesome work as always my dude


These are the BN 145mms. I wasn’t able to push the motor mount any further in, so hence the other 3 axles had to follow the similar wheel space difference


This kind of EVA foam with an adhesive on one side is what i use. To make the corners, foam is soft, so just bend and curve and the foam will conform to that shape



Oh wow, the board so small it makes them look bigger :rofl:


Really looks well made and well finished, great job mate.
Final weight and range?

Thank you! The board is right smack at 6 kilos, range wise i have yet to fully test. Keep a lookout the next few days.


Just beat me out! Mine weighs in at 6.1kg.


Ooooo, i wanna see! @SanguineDrone


This board man… i love it.

Range wise it feels like im getting just right smack at 20km. The magnum wheels feel just slightly better than the blue caguamas from a comfort perspective.

However due to it being a single drive, traction is not great. One drawback from having a lighter drivetrain.

I have seen some discussion about a single motor dual drive. Since it was also talked about on the top of this post, hmm should i do it for science?

Behold, my janky sketch because i suck.

I have another motor mount. So im thinking of an aluminum plate that bolts onto the 4 holes of the motor can, with an 8mm motor shaft that sticks out, and secured by the plate, dutch pin style or grub screw. That shaft can then be connector to a motor pulley, and then to the other wheel pulley on the other side. Ill probably add a support bearing somewhere but this is all i got for now. This will add a bit of weight and bring it closer to my original orbiter build, but if it works well and gives me the dual drive-like traction, why not.


I say do it! A bit of weight is certainly palatable for improved traction.


I would personally really like to see this. One obstacle I see is supporting the opposite side. Would you use a pressed bearing on the mount plate to pass the extended shaft through?

Easiest way would be to just replace the shaft and only support on one side. Though I can see some potential problems with that.

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Definitely would be easier with an inrunner but I suppose you could make a motor face plate pretty easy, 63mm disc of 1/4" aluminum with a 22mm center hole to press fit a 608-2SR (ideally the flanged variant) and the 44mm diameter 4x M4 thread pattern to use with a duplicate motor mount

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Alright its science time. Check back in a couple of days


The mounting holes on the can are M3 threads.

The distance between the holes are 12mm from center. Machining time.

Gonna try a dutch pin to secure the shaft to the aluminum plate. Either that, or grub screw onto a flat spot of the shaft.


Holes drilled.

Hahaha what

I might need to push the mounts out more, i have about 4mm of axle on each side


This is totally random but I think you will enjoy. Have you seen those new magnetic drive hidden fasteners?


Yea ive seen these before! The more complex woodworking projects use these sometimes


They absolutely blew my mind the other day and I thought how neat they hide. Definitely not safe for motor usage :flushed:

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Fuck yes.