Introduce Yourself and Share Your Plans (SERIOUS)

Yup, found you over there and matched your trust level. Welcome, Lachlan!


Thanks for all that great info. I keep seeing stuff about lifePO4s and didn’t know they were that great.

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They’re heavy, not great with energy density, but 1 or 2 kg extra is a trade-off I’m willing to make for the benefits, which includes good performance in cold weather.


Hello fellow esk8ers! I’m Nate, “n8dam8” from the forum.
I hope all of you have been safe through all of this COVID stuff.
My friends have upgraded to beastly boards that can leave me in the dust, and they require that I ride at least 30mph. I love my pneumatic tires too much, so I rarely run 107s unless I know the road is silky smooth.

I have since took up motorcycle riding, but I do jump on my DIY board every now and then.


Welcome to the forum Nate!


Aloha Gang,

Some may have noticed, most have not, a new addition to the Moderator Group and I’d like to allow myself to introduce myself in the lazy self question/answer format for easy digestion and regurgitation.

What do you Ride

  • I have (2) functioning builds at present, one with direct drive motors, one gear drive. Urethane on one Pneumatics on the other. Components are interchangable (mostly).

How Frequently do you ride

  • Try to get out few times a week

Where do you ride

  • City streets, mostly. No off road yet. It’s technically not legal to skateboard in the street where I live and the sidewalks are abysmal. There is not an abundance of trails which can be navigated with an esk8 either.

What experience to you have; why don’t you have a build thread

  • I realize you are a much better builder then me and I’m just jealous.
  • Truth: My “builds” are better classified as assemblies as they are not new or interesting. I’d be happy to submit my abominations in the appropriate topic if requested.

Why should I take your advice

  • Treat my input with the same level of scrutiny as you would any information you do not pay for and source from the internet. I do however try my best to back responses with references so we can attack the problem rather than my intelligence.

Why now

  • The Mod team did a Gap Analysis and determined there was a need. I was approached months ago, was flattered but declined because “I’m, like, super important, busy at work and, like, just don’t have the time, in fact i’ll be stepping away for a bit” (read with uptalk that ends in a question mark?).
    My time on the forum continued, the hypocrisy was highlighted, and gave into peer pressure earlier this week.

Where is the Gap Analysis report; I demand answers

  • You ask too much of the mod team and are now a target for an unflattering title, good job. I cannot speak for the @Mods but my guess is because I have the good looks of Jay Boston & unbiased acumen of Fabi (Perfect, most POWERFUL Introduction Ever?!?)

Son, what is your intent with my daughter (forum)

  • My primary interest is curating, categorizing, and generating content for the community to easily find and reference.

What do we call you? Is it wandagoner, wan dagoner, wanda

  • “wan dagoner” or “wan” as long as it’s not late for dinner

OOF, that was bad…you make a lot of the same references as my dad/kid are you (shutter) a boomer or millennial

  • GenX, I guess that makes me a slacker/nihilist, good luck getting me to do anything or care much about it.

You sh!t post alot, isn’t that @Dareno 's thing"

  • Daren and I will make sure to evenly spread the glory of our comments evenly across the forum so no one feels left out.

Did you change @mmaner 's title to "whore bag"

  • No, but I confirmed the allegation

What does @BillGordon really look like

You are online at odd times, where do you live

  • Hawai’i

What do you do for money

What do you look like (asking for a friend)

Hope this gives some insight into who I am and why I signed up.


What hump?

Thanks for agreeing to help the staff and the community out, @afishcalledwanda . Welcome to the team, and I’m so very sorry for the abject horrors that are about to engulf you on a daily basis.


You see,Wanda @BillGordon , we’re all terrified of embarrassment. That’s why we’re so… dead. Most of my friends are dead, you know; we’ve these piles of corpses to dinner. But you’re alive, God bless you, and I want to be, I’m so fed up with all this.


I had no input in this guys

This is all @mmaner’s doing

We were fine but he felt alone.


I had nothing to do with it but I approve :grin:


Hello guys I’m Tim. I just turned 17 and i’m studying electrical engineering. I live in Belgium.
I got into esk8 1 year ago when i went to work for my first time and used the money to build a very cheap board. It was around 380€. Top speed was 31km/h and a range of around 20km. Not long ago my battery broke and i’m saving up for a 10s3p 21700 pack now. I just bought my first 3d printer as a birthday gift for myself. Today my nylon filament just arrived for making a new battery enclosure since my new battery is a bit bigger. And nylon is pretty strong. I’m running a single belt drive right now but i’m planning to upgrade to dual drive soon in july/august. Also, esk8 is not legal in my country but i passed cops a few times and they seem to not give a fuck.
Right now i want to buy some kind of bluetooth module so i can see speed and stuff on my phone. Which apps out there are good for that?
And does the metr app work with a non metr bluetooth module?


Welcome, Tim! Here’s all you need to know about metr:


Hi I’m Roper, 20 year old in Arizona. I’ve been into esk8 about 2 years now and have been a lurker on the forum for a while haha. Never really got around into making an account. Finished two boards, first one was super cheap as a way to get around school. But after that I felt like I wanted more, so the hobby decided to drain my wallet with my lastest build. But basically I’m here to ask for advice and maybe sell some used parts I have to then visit in new parts and the sell those when I get something else, etc. The cycle will forever continue :joy:


Bumped you up a trust level for posting and messaging.

Welcome, Roper!

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Welcome man, throw up a build thread for your new wallet drainer and let’s see what you’re working with!


Funny this is how @BillGordon refers to my boards


Funny because we refer to his boards as ‘Throw-Offs’

Right @BillGordon, right?

Edit: too soon?


Screen name

Hi all, I’m Chaps, 22, from Texas, Moving to Colorado. I’m studying Physics and I have a fairly strong background in DIY stuff. I have already built my first electric board in high school, a single belt drive with lots of enertion parts. Of course, my first build was fairly unwieldy, but was fun to build and I learned alot through it. I have been looking to build another electric board is easier to use as a daily commuter while also having range to explore on normal or gravel roads. I am not looking to build anything fast, just light, easy to recharge, and low maintenance. I’m probably going to start my build thread soon. Does anyone have recommendations for decks and enclosures?


Welcome man! What kinda board are you wanting to build? Mountainboard, long board, short board, street carver… Pneumatic wheels or urethane, etc.