Honestly, I was just out with L.A. esk8 over the holidays and there were like 10 subgroups within it

you seem to have a very dictatorial view of local groups. this is why I stay away from the toxicity of boomerbook

I have no dictatorial view on local groups, we’re friends with Denver E-ride, Esk8, Uni. Colorado Onewheel are personal friends of mine, Boulder erides, as well as being friends with the other local denver group PEV 20/20. I just don’t associate with physically violent douche bags who talk shit about the other groups in their state and try to punch my friends over petty shit.

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Oh course all the admins are in cahoots together. Can’t let anyone else have control can you.

I think you skipped the weed? What you smokin?

This thread is a shit show and I don’t agree with a lot of the things said. I fancy myself a so-so builder personally, I’ve been told I’m a tad better then that…

I still don’t build to sell to people. I don’t want to be liable or have anyones bad decisions leading to an accident happen on something I built. The two boards I have out in the wild with other people is a local friend who doesn’t use it very much, and @Arzamenable . For both of these I do (and will) cover all repair costs except for wear n tear (tires and battery). That’s because if they fail it was probably my fault.

Just keep in mind what you want to do is very very very insanely dangerous. For starters you are liable for everything. If that board faults or fails and they crack their head open, it’s on YOU. If a solder join fails and the board shuts off going downhill or into traffic, it’s on you. These problems don’t happen on peoples 6th and 7th build, but usually do on their 1 and 2nd.


same thing for the batteries I sell. They stay local and I’ll fix any defect that’s my fault


Sell me a battery Evan. Give. Me. Now.


you’re gonna have to come and get it :slight_smile:

Gotcha, I guess it’s a good thing I’ve completed my 1st and 2nd build.

Also, for liability reasons, I won’t be building batteries yet.

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I ask this honestly, can I see some pics of those two builds?

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Please take a look at my profile. I’ve been advised to stop talking on this thread.

Alright pm me I’m not going thru your profile


u said two? i barely see one




all of these are sales threads


zoom in the buttom part, there is a meepo v3 “diy” thread

Lotta confusion here. Sure am glad sorting it isn’t in my job description. Some strange, however, is. Kai out. Or in. Whatever.

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While I agree with this, some people have gotten away with building garbage tier boards that constantly cut out and need repair, to nearly burning down a house, and still never getting sued…

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