Already a master baiter, thanks.


Feel like the caption next to your username should read “Some have standards. Some pay for them”


There’s a lot of baiting that goes on here, i’m blissfully unaware of how much master baiting

It’s best to avert your eyes from that one.

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Loooool that’s gold


Did you make this gif? I tried searching for it the other day and couldn’t find it.

“Dildo bike”
“iasip bike”
“Iasip Mac dildo”

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I looked up “always sunny ass blaster” on account of it being the ass blaster 3000.

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oh wow, have you washed out your eyes after doing those searches???

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Don’t kinkshame Justin


No but my ass hurts from modding my ebike



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this is so typical of the community.

  • someone wants to take their passion to a business to share what he loves with the world
  • the community dogpiles and shoots down his passions and aspirations
  • some people back up reasonable discourse, but eventually the thread devolves into poking fun and memes.

really the main reason I think most esk8 groups are local FB collectives instead of this forum being packed.


I don’t think anybody who was ‘allegedly’ dogpiling is posting gifs or meme

I fixed it for more accurate language

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nah, forums are just old school.

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forums are pretty new to me, my kind of old school is anon chan sites and IRC chats

chan sites are just shitty forums. Also the forum format is from the 80s I think

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If someone would have told me that @Skyart - one of the very best builders we have right now- is tying his quality reputation in with @AviatorEsk8er of all people in a business venture, I would have assumed it was a late April Fools joke.



you dont say

This is why Artem is doing so well, though, while others struggle. He’s willing to drop his support(or, more realistically, his for profits convenient supply services) to anyone, until they prove they don’t deserve it. You guys have an irrational fear of aviator doing his thing. Let the kid try. It doesn’t affect you. If he fails, congrats, you were right, you win absolutely nothing. If he succeeds, oh no, you lose absolutely nothing. The point of an esk8 community is entirely lost when it’s used to shoot down a potential player, and a batch of 100 bad boards doesn’t hurt our image as much as this thread alone.
And of course Artem supports it. He’s not a stuck up jerk, and even a failed build is still a battery sale to him. Get real, my dudes.