I owe you all an apology

Wait, what? Didn’t people even wait for weeks to just get there enclosure shipped out? :thinking:
Ok, maybe they where different ones


Yeah, he helped donate towards the pot for SOS races. By enclosures it was really one enclosure that Art Zuniga won. Check @MoeStooge’s ig from a little bit ago…


How did he try to turn it around if people are still dealing with the same issues?

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Obviously he did it too late and it isn’t exactly passed yet but from what I found just a couple below.

Leaving Abec shop, asking for help from @topcloud, and not just ghosting and dipping with the money.

I’m not trying to say what he did was right If that’s how it comes out. He’s a nice guy though and I know he meant no harm at all but it all sorts backfired on him. I’m out for today :grin:




Does this count in any other business in this world?


Yeah you know what?

Fuck Dave

He has over 300 bucks of my money and when I graciously sent him a mate hope everything is ok message i got nothing back.

Takes five seconds to say thanks pal and i will try to make it right.

@Psychotiller. Really brother? This is how you do?

You do you then and i will continue to do me.

Step away and get back in that excavator


@DEEIF don’t stress man, I think we all appreciate your optimism. I know I could use some of that. Problem is everyone deserves a 2nd Chance and Dave is on his 20th. He won’t and shouldn’t be able to do successful business with the esk8 community anymore.


Nice guy tho


59 posts were split to a new topic: Psychotiller Update/New Enclosures Available

maybe he should get a 2nd / nightshift job to pay everyone back. Or loan as someone else suggested.

Does anyone have any idea how much he owes?




Hey guys, sorry I got here a bit late. I didn’t know what to do about this situation. So people start to file charge back, because wait time is too long, over time, it gets worse and worse, Paypal showing negative amount, can’t ship anything out. The move to ABEC cost a lot of money as well and it did not work out as planned. After that, as you know, no revenue, nothing coming in, nothing gonna go out. So here we are.

Dave have been nothing but great to me, all the help over the last two years, I don’t wanna see the business go down…

So I sent Dave some money to make 60 enclosures. That’s the only thing he will be focusing on in the next week or two. Hopefully it can help him get back on the track.

He is gonna shut his website down. I know there is some demand for enclosure. Thought it’s a good way to do it. But since he is shutting the site down, people have to message me to place an order.
DO NOT PLACE AN ORDER ON Psychotiller WEBSITE. Because all money go to his paypal and will be tied up.

So here is the deal. Starting 1/15/2020. (needs couple day to get all plastic)
We still ship 10 enclosures every two days guaranteed. Or full refund right away. Split enclosure will be a different story,

70 dollars each shipped in US.

85 dollars each shipped outside of USA.

Split enclosure will be a different story, message me if you need a split enclosure (two pieces)

I will reply everyone’s message in 12 hour no matter what.

Forgot to mention: You don’t need to pay until it’s ready to ship… And all profits goes back to whoever Dave need to refund, pay.


You’re too good a man Lei


Can someone edit the title? Or @370HSSV make a new thread


Will make one later today


Why @Psychotiller can’t announce that by his own?


Lei to the rescue!

But seriously, Dave is going under, I was talking with him this morning and he said he was almost positive he was not gonna make it. I’m very happy that Lei is helping Dave because all though I know it’s probably not gonna happen I’m still rooting for Dave to make it.


Dude, I’m trying my hardest here to show some respect but really.

Dave can use his fingers to tell his supporters this stuff and some plastic enclosures from 2015 with payments bypassing the payment system that needs money to recover seems like a shady way to pry money back from people who have and continue to be let down.

How many plant trays need to be sold to recover the $300 just Daren is owed? Let alone all the other people. In the meanwhile do all the other expenses disappear? It needs sorting but dead silence and 3rd party drip plan make me wary. Understandable?


I believe @370HSSV said that the balance was already in the negative from paypal claims / chargebacks and when the account becomes unocked, he is going to owe money to paypal + interest on top of the money he owes his customers. At this point, paypal dispute/chargeback and move on.