I need help please

At this point I’m just grasping straws with ya my dude.
Save yourself the time and the headache.

Honestly, I don’t have the proper time or head space to just think it through and make a decision, I have more school work then time to do it and I keep trying squeezing in here and there to try and get the deck problem solved. I need to set a time and to figure it out then. Thank you everyone for all you help so far, and I apologies if I have been a little (or a lot) flip floppy.

Ok so my board is not ready yet, but I have an old prebuild that had a broken motor. So I used it to test my drive train. One thing I learned (which I kinda already knew from guys on the forum) that my motor clearance is way too low. So I am going to have to figure that one out. But otherwise ran ok. It wasn’t blow you away performance, but I didnt really suspect that from the 6s battery it has. I cant wait until I finally finish my board.

So I plan on installing my Vesc soon and was wondering if anyone had some suggestion for what settings to use. I just want to be able to get it to work then I will tinker with it to get it the way I like.
I have a:
Flipsky 6.7 mini
10s4p p42a
single 6374 flipsky battle harden motor
I have 85mm caguama blue wheels
16/36 pulley with a 15mm belt
I am about 170 (78kg) give or take
I have some decent practice with esk8 so I can handle hard braking/accelerating
I think that is all the relevant information if anyone needs more let me know. And thank you all again.

Just use the wizard and set 60 battery amps per side and 100 motor amps per side.

thats REALL:Y high for a 6.7 mini. Try 30 battery and 60 motor


Thats all I have to do, sounds easy enough. Thanks

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I thought it could take 120A on the whole thing?

Pushing any product to its spec limits is generally a bad idea, especially Flipsky’s.


maybe flipskys bullshit rating but itll fry anywhere near that.

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I am tring to set up my vesc, but it won’t connect it keeps saying, “serial port error: the semaphore timeout period has expired”

Is it a problem to leave it like this I need to leave and I dont want to unplug anything.

I got it to connect

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this 100%

But sand it first to make it rough.

Which do I chose I have a flipsky vx2


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The vesc is all setup but the remote is not working. When I spin the wheel on the board it shows on the remote the speed but the throttle does do anything.

the joy of the vx2. search “vx2” on this forum, you’ll find your answer
