Homing Frequency

Waiting on an email from Tomiboi for the single stack enclosure capacity.
Hopefully i can get at least 70-80 cells.

Pelican makes this case and it looks low profile enough for keeping the looks somewhat clean.

If that doesnt work I’ll make something crazy with Kydex.

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Got her riding on the old 12s6p battery and electronics.
Running 90a Krank Tall barrels up front.

Had to run a 0.25 inch spacer/riser so i didnt scrape on literally everything. And its running far less bolts than should be holding the enclosure on, but I made a bridge with scrap kydex to add extra security. But its working. Checking every couple days to make sure i dont lose bolts.

She rips. Likely ony does 30-32 with current gearing but shes got a ton of torque. And manuveing to avoid traffic is a breeze. Feels like a snowboard when you dig in an get some lean going.

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Swapped out gearing.
16T to 18T.
Board isnt fully charged but I’ll be doing some testing this weekend.

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I gotta see pics!

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I’ll try to grab pics this week!

These trucks and the 7 inch Novas are amazing.
I have yet to break em loose. But i hope to try tomorrow at track. still getting used to how they ride and I need to retrain myself to keep my weight more centered over the deck vs my nearly constant lean over the front with the Nexus RKP trucks.

May be late to track due to helping a friend with some furniture assembly. But im gonna try!!


Quick vid from last night. Thanks to Donutflips.
Had battery sag at this point and legs were pretty toast. But still getting some good turns in. Had a blast!

Had a few orher vids taken, and will upload once I have them.


Wednesday morning was utter insanity.
Nearly hit by 4 different cars.

First incident.
Heading down Broadway street and going to turn on 19th. An F150 decided to start turning when I had right of way. No time to brake. And not getting in a head on collision with a truck.
Ducked left into center lane.
And of course 2 other cars were headed up the hill. I moved back to the right hand lane. Not many options there. And i had a decent amount of space to avoid a head on collision.

Before anyone comments, yes I know this was mind boggling dangerous. But i dont think I could have emergency braked in time, and im not trying to hit the side of a truck at 30+.
Dualities came in clutch for the evasive manuvers.

Then at work I skate down to get coffee. Trash truck stopped at intersection(parked). I skate through after stopping and hear an infinity. Then he gets to the intersection and then just goes while I’m in the intersection. He stops and I yell “what the fuck you gotta stop!!”
He stops and I pass him and then he absolutely punches it and squeals tires. Dude was nuts.


Those were some close calls… You cannot beat 4wd for stopping power. It saved me so many times over the years avoiding accidents. Just another thing to consider.


Ive pondered throwing on some 6475 motors. But not sure im gonna toy with 4WD yet.
But this exact scenario that extra braking boost would have made it easy.

I swear over the past 2 months the drivers here in San Diego just get dumber and Dumber. Its insane.

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4wd stopping power is crazy. However it adds a lot of weight to the front which can make the setup handle different. Only go as large as you think you need in motor size. Front motors don’t heat up as quick because you are pushing less current, the main thing is making sure that they can handle the braking current you want without saturation.

For acceleration I want to have most of the power on the back wheels, running 60A per in the front and 200 per in the rear.

For braking I prefer to have most of my brake in the front but not as strongly biased, I am running 200 per in the front 90 per in the rear. That said. For putting down this much braking force I really prefer to have bindings on both feet.


I like 6355 motors for the front to keep it light. You can run 50% more power overall. They don’t have a ton of braking power so I run them about 50/50 front to rear regen. Which is still a 100% increase in braking power and braking traction for me.


I might give that a try. I want to keep the front as light as i can.


Well a giant pricey wrench got tossed into the gears.
P45Bs are now like 7.99 via 18650batterystore.
They were 4.85 last time i checked.

So might run P42As.
Or find a different high performance cell.

I just ordered 72 cells about two weeks ago from IMR for the same price that 18650store had them at but was like $35 less shipping.

Looks like they’re $4.95 right now.


Oh and photo makes them look pink. I think they just edited the photo too much and messed up the colors. Cells are normal


Thanks for the heads up!


Got to ride Homing Frequency Tuesday night.

There’s something special about this board, it almost felt like a v5, I didn’t want to stop riding it.

I was tossing it around the track in a way that I wouldn’t dare with Nothing Fancy or especially Ankle Wreacher. I was throwing myself into toeside turns without any hesitation- doing that on either of my boards would be butt-clenching, at the very least.

What’s odd is that it felt like this with the deck ~1” above the axles. Makes me think that axle-to-standing platform isn’t the whole equation for a good raceboard? I love how much I’m surprised with esk8’s.

A little lacking in power(I had it pinned full throttle around the whole track and was in energy conservation mode), but that should be resolved with the new battery. Super siked to see this board’s final form!


Ohh yea i was starting to see some sag on the top end a little before you got to ride it. But she is still a blast to rip around the track.
Edit: I believe that i am running some more bushing preload than Nothing Fancy. I did loosen the nut about 1/8 turn on front and rear truck at the beginning of the night.

I need to work on my toesode turns as i feel like they are weaker than my heelside. Lower speed isnt too bad, but really sending turns i feel like im getting dragged to the outside. Maybe a binding will help in the future.


i’m tempted to still try a set of duality’s on the new race board after reading this.


flowstate semenbone can do it and internal awd which is gonna be my new race build.
another deck that comes to mind is the brady deck but that’s built around 18650 cells