Herringbone Gears Avio MK2 Gear Drive

So other than buying used, how does one go about getting one’s hands on a Mk2 drive these days? Any ETA on when production will startup again? Mk3 in the works?


Out of curiosity, has anyone tried automotive wheel bearing grease in these gearboxes? Or is the standard practice still to use white lithium grease?

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Hi @avX
Could you please check your PM?

Are these still in production or for sale anywhere?

As far as I know @haggyboard.timo was reselling those, but he was moving his businesses from Taiwan to Europe for more than a year now…

I am actively riding a pair of this drive and managed to get a spare gear about 8-10 months ago. But unfortunately I don’t see a bright future ahead of this product.

Moondrives by @moon coukd be better bet.


Yeah I was looking at moon drives too! Afiak those wouldn’t work with my kahuas though right? I’d need new trucks and hubs?

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Yup new trucks and hubs.

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I’m running a pair of mk1 drives with herringbone gears. They’re still working perfectly.



This was exactly what I was looking for!

Do you reckon I could install the drive on these trucks: 15.22 Inches Double Kingpin Trucks for DIY Electric Skateboard | Longb – FLIPSKY?
(I want to use larger motors, these trucks would accommodate them)
Also, what do you think about using 115mm rubber wheels (Electric Skateboard Wheels by ONSRA - 115mm Rubber Airless – ONSRA Europe)?


These drives only fit the Haggy Kahua trucks, the max you can fit on these would be 6384 motors. The Onsra wheels are somewhat Kegel core so it should fit with the hybrid adapter.


I am curious - what makes the Kahua trucks fit?
By the looks of the schematics/images of both trucks, they it seems like it would work with both.
I guess it’s worth a try…

Hey @Linny
Have you tried 6384’s? They didn’t look like they fit for me, but I didn’t mock it. I think the baseplate was the issue, even with adjustable baseplates.

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Nope, have not tried 6384s, i did 6355s on mine. Theoretically if you set the angle on the baseplate to be low-ish, say 30 deg or so, it should clear.

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I’ll check but I seem to remember my 74’s barely fitting in that orientation. Maybe because I’m reverse mounted.

Ah, reverse mounting would be tight then. The mount to mount distance measures 180mm so there’s 90mm of room for each motor.

I’ve got a pair of flipsky 6384 that I’ll be attempting to mount on mine. Will report on how it goes.

I have 6380’s on mine. I had to work with the angles, as the baseplate interferes while turning. Here is the clearance on mine. I may update when I am home with the distance between the motors if I remember, but I am usually too lazy to take that time.

Did you find if 6384 works?

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I have not unfortunately. Been in the middle of moving house for about a month and no time to get on the tools to finish up or even mock things up. Hopefully later in the summer.

Finally got a chance to test fit the 6384 and am happy to announce there’s room to spare. The shafts of the flip sky will need to be cut down however.


did you buy the long or short? the short works fine in BN m1 gds