Help! FOCBOX unity cutting out

I will try with 55 a motor current Max
This is what you mean?

that’s normal haha. there are a few people in Paris that might be able to help. @Edratuom can you help or do you know anyone around that side of Paris

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try 50, it might work better, but normally 70 should be fine. try 50 and see if it works with you on the board

If it will allow you to set Absolute Maximum Current above 150A, then I would. Maybe like 250A.


Really? Didn’t know (・o・)

Unfortunately I got out of leg surgery thursday.

@Frenchylandshoosgor Salut l’ami, deux choses avant tout :

  1. Est-ce que ta radiocommande est calibrée ?
    Is your remote calibrated ?

  2. Si possible, poste nous des photos de tes câblages (batterie, unity, moteurs, radio)
    Post pictures of everything that’s plugged : unity, battery, remote receiver and motors

N’hésite pas à demander des précisions si tu ne comprends pas tout ce qu’on te demande :slight_smile:

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Here are some photos requested if you want more.
Yes the remote has been calibrated I don’t think that’s the problem.

There are three modes on the remote control
When I use the first mode at slow speed I have no problem it is when I use the other two modes and I suddenly accelerate that it cuts out

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did u calibrate the remote while it is in mode 3 (or the hightest mode)?

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I have watched several tutorials to calibrate the remote control and it is very specific to do it on the highest speed mode.

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Give it a ride tomorrow at 50A and see if you still get cutouts :smiley:

Who built the battery?

OK I will do a test tomorrow morning with 50 to see.
I built the battery.

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heat-shrink all your phase wires… you’re asking for failure even testing with exposed phase leads

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What do you mean by phase wire?
Excuse me for this kind of question but I’m starting out

Motor wires Towards the vesc?

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yes, those 3 wires

I go around them with electrician’s tape before driving

easiest method I find is, cut 6 long pieces of heatshrink and connect the phase wires inside the heatshrink but don’t heat it up, so u can easily swap around cable and stuff without cutting anything or deal with leftover glue from tape and other shitz :crazy_face:


ha Thank you good idea It’s super boring to remove the electrician’s tape

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