cell type? 30q?
if yes, you have settings way over what it can handle
molicel 217006-P42A
battery discharge bypass? also motor 71.05A? that’s one of the weiredest number i’ve seen
battery discharge bypass
je sais pas trop pourquoi le unity couperais le current comme ca. tu a acheter le unity ou?
je te conseil vivement d’acheter un METR car tu pourras avoir plus d’informations sur ton system au portée d’une main via bluetooth sur ton telephone.
laisse moi demander de l’aide aux autres
@b264 what are the main reasons an esc would cut out while pulling full throttle?
wow all those characters for that short sentence! jeez haha
Greetz to you
physical check: soldering is good? connector type? better not be pulling 60+A through a mr30 connector
great thinking!
Connector type XT-60
tu es d’ou en france?
what about motor side?
I personally would not pull more than 60a using xt60, some would disagree tho…
A Rambouillet 50 KM Paris
Accuracy when I test the edge in a vacuum without anyone on it works very well