[Group Rides] LA / OC / SD - On Going

I mean why don’t you go there haha it’s the same argument either way :stuck_out_tongue:

I will be pretty close once I go back to school in a few weeks

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nah, last one there were all kinds of e-stuff and no one said shit.

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You guys suck. No one here. Just Two. Really?


My bad. I thought it’s a good idea to jump over a speed bump going 20+ and ate shit last week…

And don’t reprogram vesc or adjust tire pressure without testing right before group ride like me…

Boardlesss at the moment several issues that are still too fresh to share

Just got back from a 9mile ride. By myself…fukers :cry:. Decided to loop around the park for the view. Some dumb tween screamed out “faggot!” his little group of friends giggled…I screamed back. “When’s your mommy coming to pick you up?!” From the Ohhhhhhhj I got back I thought about taking a bow but then I’d eat it. So I just kept on going.


A week or two away from having a complete build. Depending on enertion really. I’m in Ventura area and can’t wait to go on my first group ride

Still in SD, too far

stupid children :roll_eyes:

Never expected SD people to come up that late on a Sunday. But really surprised no one showed up except for @esk8 who end up having board issues.

Kids are odd. Some scream stupid stuff like that, while some drool over our vehicles that would give them travel freedom


Yeah dude you never know what they will say. People usually just shout “Cheater!” at me, and I just respond with “It’s more fun” or something along those lines lol

Random people at the beach have shouted “Cheater!!” at me :rofl:


Go faster.
I never hear anything people are yelling as I zoom past, wind fills my ears, nothing else matters but my line, lol

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Yeah “cheater” is the most common thing I hear when skating, but mostly “Yeah,Dude” and "Cool!*


Dude I planned on being there then ended up going to SD on Sat randomly and then skated down there all day sunday with @Arzamenable and didn’t get home to OC till a lil after 10 last night. My B. Lets go on a ride this week…? Or next weekend. Im in. Love you @Mikenopolis

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Fly 10th September for 8 days to SoCal.
Bajaboard should fit in two checked bags. :smiley:
Have to find a battery.

Raptor ruckus is coming at the end of the month to San Diego

Group ride this Sunday in long Beach

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Anyone up for a quick trip to Frisco from Socal on Sep 7th for the BAESK8 cannonball? I’m too cheap to fly. Maybe.

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I’m not coming from socal but I’ll be there and looking for a room to share or something. With it being so near time wise I might just have to bite the bullet and get the cheapest air b&b I can find for the 2 days.

Where is CA you comming from? I have an aunt in P-town I plan to stay with