Just to add on, the Turnigy Sk8 V6 based ESCs are $80 USD, not sure if they’ve been tested at all but potentially a good deal.
$75 is an amazing price for a VESC 6 clone. Looks like it even has a basic anti-spark built in. No bluetooth or IMU.
Same mosfets & current amps as the early Trampa VESC 6s. Plastic housing and finned heatsink makes it hard to mount to an external heatsink. It could probably be replaced with a simple block of aluminum to make it work with an external heatsink.
Also the dual V4 is the cheapest VESC based dual motor controller I’ve seen at $88. Curious to see the nudes. If they used something other than the original 4.12 mosfets it might be decent.
that SK8 dual controller is a dual single canbus linked esc, not a single mcu dual controller, just to clarify
91€ for me in EU
Also heyyy they are back!
without the vesc word on the shell
Should have been ESC all along
For spot welders
Those Turnigy ESC’s look interesting. I’m new to VESC and will be looking for one for a build I’m starting. Was planning on a makerX DV6 but how would this compare? Don’t want to skimp just to save a couple bucks but if it’s actually decent…? Will be running a 12s battery, 2wd.
You won’t get anywhere near the performance of a dv6 from one of those turnigy controllers. Its a lightweight for sure.
Thanks, good to know. I’ll skip it
How big of a battery / motors are you planning on? The Turnigy V6 can do 60A battery per side it claims. That’s more than enough for a 12s4p P42A battery, for example.
Yeah for your average build two turnigys V6 have more than enough power.
12s6p or 12s8p P42A battery, 190kv 6380 motors
the turnigy esc isn’t gonna performance anywhere close to dv6 can, them “heatsink” on the turnigy is a joke
Yeah stick to the DV6 or D60 then
They will both provide similar power/acceleration, but the Turnigy will heat up faster and thermal throttle sooner (reduce power while it’s hot). It uses the same IRF7749 mosfets as the Trampa VESC 6, Torque6 and the OG Focboxes. Not sure if the copper fill is the same though.
If you are handy, the stock heatsink could be replaced with a simple rectangle of aluminum, then mounted to an external heatsink. Places like eBay and SpeedyMetals sell random aluminum sizes, and some will precut it. Would probably cost $20-25 shipped… It shouldn’t thermal throttle under normal use with that setup. Since there is $115 difference between the two, it might be worth the try.
Owner of voltaic-motion passed away and one of his partners is selling their demo boards.
Bioboard plutonium v1 4wd $3,600
Prototipo $1,600
Trampa pro belt drive $1,500
All seem fairly low miles and well kept?
Local pickup in southern cali only it seems.
And to follow up on what @jaykup said, if u have a jig saw you don’t even need to fuss w ordering the size alu u need. Just buy a big chunk of 5mm 6160 and some metal blades. Some wd-40 as lube and u can cut any size u need. It’s quite manageable.