FW 5.3 is out! Vesc Tool 3.01

Good to know, I’m sorry but I don’t have a PRO so I cannot test it.

The official version works on the regular DV6 and registers correctly, but what you’re saying is pretty weird and MakerX should fix it ASAP…

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I have the dv6 pro if anyone wants to link me a file to test, I’m also willing to risk my life for the sake of beta testing


I’m assuming makerx doesn’t know about this rule, seems pretty common amongst foreign esc companies

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oh trust me, they know


Oh well negligence then I guess idk

Pretty sure it’s intentional…

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No need to assume something like that, what’s the point

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It’s not an assumption it’s an educated guess

@jaykup wanna pull another flipsky 75100?


Since the stock firmware works on it, I think all they did was modify the hardware current limits. EDIT: I’m not clear if the PRO version can run the stock firmware, and they potentially have a different shunt config

That would be really easy to change and compile new firmware, but if that’s the case, then the no hw limits firmware would roughly do the same thing.

I have a feeling MakerX is better than this, so I think we should get an answer from them first. Aren’t they on the forums?




last seen 2hrs ago, they are probably aware of this


I just loaded a version I compiled with this motor config and it seems to be working

Take hw_60.h and change

Line 30:
#define HW_NAME "Go-FOC DV6 Pro"

Line 185:
#define CURRENT_SHUNT_RES (0.0005 / 2)

Lines 367 - 369:

#define HW_LIM_CURRENT			-180.0, 180.0
#define HW_LIM_CURRENT_IN		-180.0, 180.0
#define HW_LIM_CURRENT_ABS		0.0, 200.0

(I would upload or link but I’m apparently limited as new forum user)


Very nice! MakerX said they would provide the source code so we will see if they made any other changes, but this looks right based on what he said he changed.


idk if this is an issue, but I’m unable to choose a file on the APK version of 3.01 on both my chromebook and my phone, and using both versions on my chromebook.

why did you build your own file browser when every OS has one by default?

This has been broken for ages. I don’t think it’s ever worked.

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well my VESC is sealed in the build, the only way to access it is over bluetooth through TCP of the metr.

idk how to get 5.3 on the VESC, I’ve tried using the PC version over TCP and metr BT on windows twice and after a seemingly successful FW upload the FW was the same and nothing changed, using the metr to BT to the VESCtool app is no better.

Use the beta APK I posted above. The file selection is not broken in that one.

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installed it on my chromebook and the weird diy file browser still shows none of my files

the phone version just gives me “BLE Connection error” as always. it’s never worked with metr no matter how much people say it should.

why won’t VT just come with the FW I need or automatically pull it like it used to? using custom files is a real pain when I don’t have access to the USB port.

When I did it on my phone it only showed access to 2 folders, camera and Instagram, I just moved the fw file to one of those folders and uploaded from there, worked fine.

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