FW 5.3 is out! Vesc Tool 3.01

I’d like to weigh in, I have a V1 Spintend Ubox, based on 75V/300A HW.
I started out with 5.2 and all was fine, and when I updated to 5.3, I had issues with a lurch or jerk while braking, turns out it was the sensorless to hall sensored threshold, and the problem was fixed by applying these settings.


I don’t think I ever noticed that button, but I’ll check it out


It was set to “generic” which had 0.1 seconds in the highlighted fields.
It could be felt coming to a hard stop, or braking down a hill, whenever the speed reduced under my 2500ERPM sensorless threshold, I felt the brakes “let go” for a fraction of a second.

I was very worried something was wrong with my VESC, then I started comparing the settings from what I had them as in the previous version of VESC Tool, then I noticed that they used to be “0” and that those preset buttons had been added.


The iOS version exists now just was a little delayed cause I got busy. Is the Mac OS link still broken?


Would be nice if the app let you downgrade

holy smokes… I have vesc_tool on an Iphone…

and @b264 insisted that couldn’t be done… :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

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It can only be done by the original author(s) using the right to publish the code outside the GPL license scope.

IANAL, just a lowly developer, but my interpretation of what you are saying is inconsistent with my understanding of GPL v3. Could you please clarify?

In general copyleft licenses grant all freedoms enjoyed by their devs to their users. So long as a published binary’s source is correctly licensed back and made available it’s still Free Software. As for the original author they only retain their copyright, they do not get later contributor’s copyrights. Later contributors are simply licensing works under the copyleft terms back to everyone including the original author. This is why it’s so hard to relicense open source, and particularly Free Software. It’s also the rationale behind Contributor Licence Agreements.

I typed out a more detailed reply, but I think you’ve already got this. VESC Tool now requires all contributors to accept a CLA.


That is Apple and how they handle things. They don’t like GPLed software in their store since that would destroy their close to the chest business model. The GPL grants you rights that contradict the App store terms. We worked around with a trick, basically publishing the software under a commercial licenses, in parallel to the GPLed offer. This way the code stays open and visible but the iOS users are not excluded.


I did not know apple still did this nonsense. Thank you both for enlightening me. Very glad I don’t build ios or android apps :wink:

Yeah that incompatibility is basically what @b264 explained way back when. Apple being incompatible with delivering opensource software is pretty frustrating.

Happy to see a viable workaround.

also thanks for this link, nice explanation from @Deodand

Man fuck apple. I know it’s said a lot and everyone thinks it but fuck people who cling to these businesses practices. People on iOS had to miss out on so much because of practices like this. Apple is a dick.

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Will there be a 6.0 firmware for Focbox Unity?

They renamed the Unity firmware to zenith.

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So there is 6.0 that’ll work? How do I get that one?

It’s 5.3 for Xenith, it should ba available either in VESCTool or through the manufacturer.

You get the beta app for vesctool with 6.0 the. Plug your esc in and follow the firmware update instructions.

Since it’s a true beta version.

If your talking about what the current stable version that’s 5.3

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I updated to 5.3 using the app and all went fine. I was trying to run quite HFI. Is it possible?

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Not sure I’ve only messed with HFI a couple times and haven’t tried silent HFI yet. I usually stick with hall sensors