i’m back
Why am I building a new bikeboard?
(the reasons)
Orbital has a lot going for it, but you know what else it’s got? Teething problems. (gimme a break, there’s no design handbook for these things) Here’s the big ones and how to fix them:
- Insufficient lean angle while cornering → raised deck, wider wheels
- Insufficient steering input before ankle tipover → lower deck, wider wheels, positive steering control
- Hella turn radius → positive steering control
- Chain derailment (got worse over time and it’s a big yikes
)–> high rigidity rear triangle, direct load path for chain tension, thicc chain
What do all these have in common? They require hacking apart significant sections of the chassis and fabricating new parts to graft on in their place. At that point, might as well build a new chassis. But wait! All the drive components are tightly integrated into the existing chassis, so reusing them would greatly limit the design freedom for the new version.
Rationalization complete! Time for a new board! Let me just crack open the old bank account and -
Don’t worry, I’ve got backup.
- 2x SKP dual solos! (Only one of which I bought!)
- 4x Reacher motors, also bought from the forums 2nd most famous duck @Skyart !
- Rare Davega from @janpom !
- Metr Pro from @rpasichnyk !
- Plus some other key components that I got on the cheap by being real patient and trapping them inside a cardboard box with a stick propping it up and a pile of wingnuts inside as bait
Many thanks to all the vendors who donated to the BOTY prize pool, the gadgets are really going to give this build the hi-tech finish it deserves. And a special thanks to @Skyart , who was way more generous than he had to be for no discernible reason, and really upped the level of batshit crazy performance I was able to afford for this project.
I’m also parting out Orbital! Check it out if you want a big motor or a big battery.
Aside from bug fixes, how will Fury differ from Orbital?
(the reasons)
The design of Orbital was intentionally conservative, mechanically speaking. I was trying out several new techniques for the first time (like forged carbon and 3D fixturing), so I kept the design down to the bare essentials.
This time around, the kid gloves are off.
Fury will use an integrated chassis, with the deck lid completing the torsion box:
The deck lid will carry a carbon fiber torsion bar steering mechanism, as a ripstick homage, to improve responsiveness:
Articulation points for the steering mechanism and suspension linkages will be forged from carbon and fused into the panel structure:
Four motors will feed power to a single moto chain sprocket through a laser cut/3DP gearbox, because we need to push the frontiers of Esk8 audio pr0n:
And because speed is a bikeboard’s natural habitat, this machine will be able to merge onto the goddamn highway.
Also, I reached out to NY DOT to see if this thing could be registered as a scooter or motorcycle, and the goddamn luddites told me to jag off.
Obligatory spec list:
Fury vs. Orbital thrust curves, with standing/tucked drag curves as reference
- 18s9p P42A battery, dual SKP solo, quadruple Reacher 6385 245Kv
- Gearing 23/60 (gear stage), 10/42 (chain stage), 11:1 total
- Wheelbase 1600mm, ride height 225mm, lean clearance 55deg, rake 25deg, trail 100mm
- Suspension travel 100mm front, 75mm rear
- Michelin dual compound tubeless tires
- Hydraulic moto brakes
- 1.0kN thrust up to 75kph
- 120kph redline speed (burst)
- 75kph cruise speed (continuous)
- 90km range (estimated)
FURY (n.) - A species of dragon known known for its overwhelming speed