BOTBOTY | Tomiboi based commuter build

Greetings, all of my treasured Internet-Less-Than-Strangers. I haven’t posted anything in 2023 because my habit is to post everything at the end of a project, but I’ve actually had a fairly busy year. It’s just that nothing is finished, because for the past few months work has been crazy and I’ve been low on time and creative energy.

However! Because it’s holiday season again [by which I mean BOTY and nothing else, of course], I figured it’s high time to show what I’ve done with the parts from last year’s contest. I’ve been sitting on the hardware long enough. And who knows, maybe peer pressure is the kick in the pants I need to put in more consistent work.

This build won’t be crazy unfortunately, it will be a daily driver to accompany my thane commuter board under the theory of “two is one and one is none”. Since I have pneumatics to work with, this one is going to focus on wet weather rideability and waterproofing.

The core of the build is the fabulous Odashi deck from @tomiboi ! Again, it is much appreciated that you went for the giant bling deck to match this very tall fellow over here. I used stained frit with masking to create the grip pattern.

I built a 10s4p p42a battery, just one more P group than my other commuter to make up for the higher consumption, but same S count to keep compatibility with the same chargers.

Enclosure is the 12s Universal from @eBoosted ! Thanks for donating this, it fits the contours perfectly, so I feel optimistic about waterproofing.
Drive system is a DV6, a M1AT drive with 6384s, and BKB tires. Trucks are BN270 with adjustable rear.

The build still needs to have a bit of the deck trimmed off for tire clearance, miscellaneous spacers and electrical connectors, a Legstick controller, and most of the work done inside the enclosure.

Not sure when I’ll have this done, as I’ll probably be working on it whenever I need to unwind from my main project. The end goal is to 3D print some fenders and seal everything up with butyl tape to let me commute on this thing in wet weather. Should be a nice little go-kart of a board.



Love that fruit job dude, very nice :pinched_fingers:


Yes! The frit is clean,um that’s not how mine turned out,May I ask how you achieved that?


Thanks! It tastes like mango.

No problem, my first attempts weren’t clean either. My process was to mask off my patterns with duct tape, because painters tape starts peeling up when exposed to resin. Then I brushed on a coat of resin, and sprinkled in the frit manually. I let it cure halfway so that the frit couldn’t move around (2 hours on a 4-Hour epoxy), then brushed on a second coat of resin. There’s also a couple coats of Spar urethane over the entire board that I put on with a paint roller.


Thank you, the masking tape failed on me,that’s how I ended up with frit on the whole deck .

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Exactly. Get a quality duct tape that’s a little bit aggressive, and be extremely anal retentive about making sure the perimeter is stuck down firmly. The one little spot that you miss can lead to a lot of resin intrusion.


On a work trip this week, so i can’t do much, but i trimmed the deck for clearance. Felt sacrilegious to cut into @tomiboi s masterpiece, but the wheel bite gods must be appeased :pray:


Sometimes you just have to cut stuff. I recently extended the nose and tail to help with those problems.


Just put some sand paper on the edge of the wheels and let things take their corse😎

Coming around the corner with the very wrong kind of SKRT SKRRRT

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Updated legstick coming along, the mechanical parts are done. Still need to run the wire for the deadman loopkey, and install a VESC safe voltage divider in the throttle.


Can you remind us all how exactly the legstick controller works?


Step 1: get a handlebar mounted ebike throttle with a thumb lever

Step 2: put a handlebar on your board

Step 3: make the lever realllll fukkin long

All of the articulated joints above the throttle unit are only there to permit free motion of the rider.


The motor windings have been sealed with blood for the blood god.

I probably should get a finer brush to apply it, but everyone knows red makes your gear drives faster anyway.


Never used that stuff, you just hardening the windings or do you have a more sinister purpose?

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I’ve planned on using this for my next build. Similar acrylicy goodness?

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I’m using it at the recommendation of @b264 for battle hardening the windings. I used epoxy and micro balloons to fill up the stator on my other commuting board, but he pointed out that the insulation effect of that stuff is suboptimal, and said he got better motor temps with the varnish.

I preemptively harden all of my windings now because I’ve had 2 motors fail due to an internal short before, both resulted in a walk of shame, one resulted in a blown ESC. I’m not sure if the intrusion of grit was what did it, or just sheer vibrations, but sealing and immobilizing the wires should solve both problems.


Possibly! Lmk how it turns out, spray application sounds interesting

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I was using it on some PCBs and thought “oh, I can just spin the motors and spray and get a nice even coating!”

It was then, he realized he had huffed too many fumes.