FS (US): Zelda 18s6p P45B, Dualitys, Tomiboi, 4GS etc.

FS: Zelda - DIY Custom Street Board

This pains me to list this because it’s really my perfect/dream board, but alas this is life. You can read the build thread with a good amount of detail here:

Here is a quick build list:

  • Tomiboi Deathtoll 43" deck w/ DS segmented enclosure
  • 18s6p Molicel P45B battery pack w/ smart JBD BMS
  • MakerX D100S ESC (currently running 130A motor/50A battery current)
  • Tito systems Duality trucks (35°/15°) w/ lots of bushing options, 12mm axles
  • Newbee 4GS 55/11 gear drives
  • SKP 6485 151kv motors w/ Techflex Insultherm sleeving
  • Voyage Systems Megan telemetry/screen/BLE ride logger
  • Hoyt puck (Poast case)
  • Boardnamics GT3 hubs w/ Kenda K909 200x50 tires
  • Tomiboi racheting toe clip (left foot only)
  • Savage1 rear anti-sink plate
  • Adjustable voltage/amp charger

This board is an absolute blast to ride and has barely any miles on it, which is one of the reasons I am parting with it (it needs to be ridden more than I am able to). Hard to give an exact total since parts have been moved in and out, but in total probably around 250 miles on it. I haven’t done a full range test on the board, but it should pretty easily get 40 miles or so out of it.

If you would prefer, I have a set of black Tomiboi Hubba hubs with MBoards Nova 175mm tires on it I can swap out for the GT3’s (or we can figure out a price to include them).

I am located near Boston MA and would love a local pickup/meetup deal and am willing to discount for that. Otherwise, I can ship within US. I’m not sure about shipping batteries internationally, otherwise I am open to that as well but I’m sure it would be pricy. I’ve got way more $$ into the build than I am listing it for, but that is DIY esk8 life. Would like to sell complete because I really don’t want to have to part this board out because of how wonderfully it rides.

Price (USD): $2500 (we can split shipping)



Any chance the original 3-links are still available to toss on?

Sigh. Boston is only two hours from the hinterlands I just moved to. Must… resist

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do you not want the duality trucks? if not, i just might consider buying em

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Unfortunately I do not have them; I typically sell off old stuck to make room for the new!

I’m trying to sell complete first before resorting to parting out, so keep an eye out - if I do end up parting out I’ll revise the post and such

The Dualitys are drool-worthy for sure.

I’m trying to convince myself not to spend money on this beautiful board :joy:

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oh i was just asking cause he wanted them with the triple links. i’m probably gonna get a set straight from Tito cause i want 10mm axles and might actually see if i can do a 270 front hangar and 300 rear hangar

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The Duality trucks are soooo nice. If you want to take a drive you are more than welcome to come try it out.


Agreed. Having quite a lot of experience with both trucks I would choose the Dualities over the triple links


Aye, ditto.

Duality’s feel very similar to three-links. However, Duality’s are cheaper, more durable, require less maintenance, and are more adjustable


Super clean machine, if I could I would…

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Same energy


IMO 3 links are more adjustable than duality.

3-links let you adjust steering angle and axle height with infinite adjustability without purchasing angled risers or different base plates.

in that sense yes but you can’t run different bushings as easily and tbh, i’ve found one angle for my trucks and kept it that way. it’s the bushings i want to change on my 3links but it’s such a pain and long process that i am putting it off


They both definitely have their pros and cons. For me personally you can’t beat the Duality’s for street riding because of the brute strength and ease of tuning. Some of you guys are having great luck racing with them, and vice versa with the links. It’s all good. Good time to be alive in esk8.


this just makes me want to build an ICE board

Zelda is SOLD and pending delivery to the new owner :smiley:


Board officially delivered to its new owner today :smiley: @xsynatic please close and thank you :pray:t2: