FreeSK8 System - Project Updates

We will have a couple different ways to access your data/logs, right now we’re just exporting via CSV but we’ll have JSON as a supported dataformat as soon as we move into developing online data services.


So, given that FreeSK8 is an open-source initiative, will there be a Patreon or something for mooks like me who can’t contribute in the usual ways?


Good question, and something I’m willing to look into to support further reaching development goals & feature requests. Ideally this should be a community driven platform as we wouldn’t be able to build it out without feedback from our beta testers.

It would have to be structured in a way where the funding would only go to Open Source FreeSK8 development, and I’d recuse myself from taking any funding personally/directly/adjacently. It would have to be 100% pass-through to all other active developers, in this case that’d currently just be Renee shouldering the full burden of FreeSK8 mobile app dev + a good amount of the firmware development.


If I donated money to Freesk8 I would be ok with you buying a fine whiskey to fuel the creativity.


Renee doesn’t drink! She’s largely fueled on THC and Eggos.



If someone wanted to do something like this but have it be shaped like, oh I don’t know, maybe a whistle profile or a hot dog or a giant penis, how much space would one need?


for perspective, I once wrote out my name, on a dry lake, in a trophy truck… it was about a mile long and 1/2 wile wide…


Decided to take this idea and run with it before Renee wakes up and can tell us no.

Have a number of support options here from individual to corporate overlord, depending on the level of involvement you’d like to have in development & beta testing efforts.

I should reiterate that I (currently speaking @DerelictRobot), will be recusing myself from any and all distributions of the patreon funding & it will only being going towards OS development efforts and/or developer THC/Beer budgets.


To add onto this: we’re going to be looking at eventually transitioning entirely over to an Open Source Collective managed entity for FreeSK8. Patreon is nice & easy to get setup quickly, however OSC offers lower overhead fees, much better transparency/oversight tools + alternative funding channels through Github Sponsors & few other options.

It’ll also allow us to elect community board members so that as the project scales, we have oversight & insight into how funds are used to progress the various FreeSK8 projects. For now, likely a bit overkill, but just wanted to give a heads up that will be the direction we’re heading eventually, in addition to potentially forming our own 501c3 to harbor/home all the FreeSK8 IP.

Also worth stating: these are auxiliary funding sources intended to give the community a way to contribute/interact and have a bit more equity in the project direction.

FreeSK8 will continue to be an iterative feedback process with the people riding on it, and we hope to grow that as the platform grows.

Cheers & good night! Excited to show you all what we’ve been so hard at work for in the very near future.



(Excuse the basic placeholder graphics. Plumbing comes before the fine dinnerware goes out)



12S4P 21700 PCB + nickel kits coming soon to a build near me?

No particular reason :slightly_smiling_face:


my day

  • wake up check DRI website for 21700 nickel
  • pout
  • have coffee
  • do something else that doesn’t require said nickel
  • pout

Updates, when available, will be announced here in our dedicated DIY Battery Supply thread. We’re keeping this thread for FreeSK8 only discussions to keep it tidy :wink: (Taking longer than expected, I think we’re still 3-4 weeks out on nickel)


Here’s what Octoprint do, pretty much what you have laid out, they have I think a healthy situation for an OS community setup


Yep! They have a great setup.

We’re looking at getting setup initially through OSC, which can then connect to a number of different channels, like what Octoprint has done. OSC is more of a backend legal/financial framework specifically to assist open source initiatives. Pretty interesting stuff if you’re curious to learn more:

And our applications are still in process, but here’s our OSC page:

Baby steps! The intention here is to create an organization & structure to support the FreeSK8 IP as a separate entity from Derelict Robot Industries. While we will be designing & producing FreeSK8 hardware to contribute into the project, the actual IP itself will be owned/reside within a neutral entity (such as an 501c3 or proxy via 501c6). That way the project & associated IP takes a life of its own outside of our own commercial enterprise, and it’s always owned/available to the public rather than be owned by any single private entity.


How CAN we say no?

The community demands that all products have a smug yet compassionate sarcastic personality and address anyone over 40 as ‘boomer’


Low hanging fruit Alan. Not on my watch!


:rofl: this is FreeSK8

Seriously though, thank you to everyone who helps support the development efforts! This is certainly a nice surprise to find this morning :slightly_smiling_face:


@DRI Mr. Robot, will I be able to procure a FreeSK8 remote for use with your NRF52 module (which I have already procured) in the very very near future (this month :grinning:)?


Shooting for this month. Fingers crossed.

Working on taking additional steps to reinforce the NRF connection between radio/receiver, so testing, testing, testing.

The remote isn’t something that can be rushed, but it’s what we are currently focused on pushing to the finish line as the Robogotchi has moved into production.