FreeSK8 System - Project Updates

Can I ask why? Did you have connectivity problems?

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rf interference?

This is not in response to any specific connectivity problems, I just think I found a way to make the connection even more robust and would like to fully test/explore that. I’ll have more details when I figure out if my theory has any merit.

This is potentially making a good thing even better.


Wanted to thank you guys for signing on as supporters. Pretty blown away; much appreciated.

Going to be posting a Future of FreeSK8 update for our supporters with some juicy details on what we’ve got coming and when.


I’m honestly giddy at the thought of holding a @DRI dong in my filthy sweaty hands…


It’s your friendly neighborhood corporate shill here once again to talk about why you didn’t buy your mom a SlapChop last holiday season.

Really though, she deserves one. She’s a nice lady.

First half of this batch of NRF52 Modules are assembled and being tested!

These will be shipping out in the next 1-2 days. Approximately 25 units available in Part A, Part B is of similar size and will be ready by next week.

As a reminder, the NRF52 BLE Module does not have any sort of integrated flash logging features but does provide a BLE connection for the FreeSK8 App, VESC-Tool + an NRF connection for the Trampa Wand + upcoming NRF52 based remotes.

NRF52 Firmware (new dev branch incoming)
OS Design Files & Schematics, KiCAD format.

FreeSK8 Mobile App is in early-release alpha testing, all FreeSK8 purchases will give users the opportunity to enroll for early-access + receive an invite to the Telegram FreeSK8 Beta Testing Group.

Please let us know if you have any questions!


How far are we away from being able to purchase the freesk8 remote? I have many planz.


i need this


Hey Andrew @DRI do you know what the reason might be that I wouldn’t receive the signup account email? I checked spam and tried several times but I never got the email for the Freesk8 forum


We will be posting a major update later this week on this exact topic, but we’re trying to keep FreeSK8 specific updates focused on the FreeSK8 Forums to keep comms efficient/all in one spot.

But to give a bit of information on the topic:

The FreeSK8 Remote/OSRR1.0 design has been sitting at the finish line while we shore up some due diligence in testing prior to releasing these to others. We know that’s not the exciting answer, but anything with wireless throttle control needs thorough testing & validation to ensure we have the safest and most robust solution moving forward. We’ll have a more specific answer in our update later this week, but soon. Weeks, not months.


The default discourse mailserver settings, combined with our shiny new SMTP relays, combined with an influx of new-users caused our mail server to shut us out for 24H. At this point it should be rectified and we’ve been manually approving recognized user accounts.

Try again and if it doesn’t work, shoot us a PM and we’ll get you squared away. Cheers!


Great haha thank you! I tried two days ago and was out of comission for a little bit so I’ll try again today.

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@DRI Does the app also work with the NRF52 built into the Stormcore? If it does then could you please shoot me a pm with the early acces link. I would love to test it out.

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Great work mate. Good design. External antenna is very nice option. Very compact module. The caps should help with the noise too.


Neither did I and it tried TWICE
Will of course try again. Looking forward to the update. And on behalf of my face and various other parts of my body, thank you for the due diligence and testing before releasing.

Oooo also sorry @ShutterShock, replied to the wrong person.

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You’re good it was relevant. Good news is I just straight up logged in today and didn’t even need to confirm anymore. Guess it worked?

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We wants our Preciousssss, we wants take Robogotchisssss n Dongsssss togetherrr.