Focbox Unity issues

Ok. Anyone have ideas on what’s up with my remote calibration hanging? Or how do I do the calibration via the other desktop tool?

I never did remote calibration on my unity with vx2 and it works fine.

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I can attest to these glitches. They are scary as fuck

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jess… we’re currently waiting VESC FW5.02 for a different temperature sensor filter… I depinned all my temp. sensors…


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Please note that my guide is for if your unity does not turn on at all. Please try to reflash the firmware first, and only try the bootloader if that does not work. Weird Bluetooth issues probably won’t be fixed by reflashing the bootloader as the only thing the bootloader does is, well, booting the firmware.


Has anyone ever wired an aftermarket momentary switch for the unity, or do I just suck at searching?

Like how does led2 led1- led+ MOM MOM on the unity match up to NC NO C + - on a generic momentary switch?

I’ve been using this one for over a year…no problems. Red to (+) black to (-) the two mon connections don’t matter.


Ooh nice ok I may have a similar one, and this will light up the LED fine?

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What’s going on here…does anybody know what this means?


Hi people,

where can I get the latest tool for Windows for the Unity?
I only can find weird unofficial websites, or just use app?

Edit: Totaly forgot vesc tool has the unity fw now :slight_smile:


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Point of clarity:

vesc tool supplies bldc/vesc fw 5.1 and up which is compatible with unity.

if you want to to run latest/last unity firmware 23.46 you still need focbox ui for unity. zip files for windows are still in the enertion repo.

it also compiles for mac with a little tweaking. idk if anyone’s hosted a build.


I’m having issues on focbox with red constant light and white light flashing. When I try to connect to bluetooth with it, it prompts: “could not read firmware version. Make sure port really belongs to the FOCBOX.”

I’m gonna try the power port on/off button but it appears to be in fact showing voltage on meter.

ok a weird one… I was telling @Venom121212 that I almost never turn off the Unity but I let it time out most of the time…

so I rode the board a few days ago… I was going to go sk8 so I wanted to see which board had enough charge…

went to push the button, but it was already on… ok weird… I went to connect VESC Tool fone app to see the board’s SOC but I get firmware out of date blah~blah. I figger I’ll power cycle the board, but the button won’t turn off… hmmmm WTF… I pick up the remote connects… but doesn’t appear functional… no zoom-zoom

I put the board on a 2 amp charge and go sk8… I figger it’s the stupid button, or worse the anti-spark… oh well it was a good ride for that UNity…

come back… crack the enclosure… break the XT90 battery to Unity, to power cycle it… everything comes back to life when i press the start button… hmm button works now…
connect to app… it works… connect it to remote… it works…

and now the button and time-out function works…


just a simple power-cycle…

W :doughnut: :doughnut: H :doughnut: :doughnut:

k00k wins the esk8 lottery… now I just have to bolt back up the enclosure


See that’s why I sold my unitys, if I don’t know why they do this shit randomly, then I can’t trust it. They seems to have a mind if their own. I can’t trust my life on something so… Sooo…

I can trust k00k, but I can’t trust something pretending to be k00k


Unities are definitely female, treat them right, and live with their proclivities, and they will not let you down…

if you have doubts, they sense this and will make your life hell…

sometimes a timeout is what a guud unity needs,

but once conflict unities surfaced… i shall buy no more…

if you have a frightening experience with a Unity that you’re askeered of…
I’ve created a home and a fund, we treat them well… and show them how it feels to be valuable and useful

you can send yours to the school, and when she is ready. we’ll release her back into the wild…


the unity u sold me had no problem, running strong in my modded backfire (well, not really modded, i just use their ranger deck)

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tenor (4)

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I’m so glad! I’m just against smart ESCs in general, I prefer something more like a focbox or escape :grinning:


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But they are all unobtainium :sob:
Luckily I have two focbox coming my way


Today i rode with unity and direct drives. i rode over 1 bump and i could not accelerate anymore. after about 15 secs i pressed the switch and powered her up again 5 seconds later i could move again.