Focbox Unity issues

hmmmmm thanks… I’ve got the latest ACK app and the latest FW on 2 Unities, and another build with an HM-10 module and I get nada tostada for telemetry on ACK… nada… ex-@surfer-of-dirt and a couple of others experienced the same issue…


…maybe it’s me…


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Which module are you using? BKB ones?


on the

Maytech VESC

yeah I’m using the BKB hm-10 Bluetooth module… on the Unity’s whatever Bluetooth module they ship with…

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Yeah i was using the bkb module on the makerx 4.12 dual. Said it was connected but no telemetry and wouldn’t read or write any vesc settings


Ah. I’ve always used mine on focbox, ves6, fsesc 6. Ive never tried it on any esc.

exactly the same

connected… but zero telemetry… I don’t even wanna change settings… the Unity app is brilliant for that… I just wanna know why zero telemetry…

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You’ve probably already tried this but maybe switch the RX and tx pins? 9600 baudrate?

Reason I asked is that Everytime I do first time setup, I overlook these things.

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I believe there was a post at the builders about specific HM-10 modules that don’t work on Android 8 or 9. It needs to be flashed w a different fw. Let me see if I can dig it up.

I’m still on 7.1.1 Android.

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maybe my fone’s too new… I’ll check which version of android I’m on… BRB

Yrp tried rx and tx both ways, baudrate was correct. But I do run a new android…

I tested with a BT-05 flashed with HM-10 firmware (just like BKB modules). Worked perfect. Scroll down a bit in the thread for more confirmed “it works”


This isn’t gonna help much.

First, Make sure bt module shows up as hm10. If it shows bt05, it’ll never work.

TBH it’s a hit or miss right now, make sure uart enabled in ppm config in focbox tool/UI, 9600 baud.

Also noticed only got telemetry after motor config and motors connected.

Also, it may not work on current firmware, I may be wrong.

Putting one together now so will let u know.



so let me summarize what I think I read…

you added another bluetooth adapter to the Unity UART connection and got telemetry to work on ACK?

I was curious if anyone has ACK working off of the Unity bluetooth module

BTW The fone I’m attempting to connect on is Android 7.0

Unity app connects and works perfectly on the 2 Unities… but zero telemetry on ACK app

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This did not work for me. To be crystal clear, the BT board that comes pre-installed on Unities did not work with ackmaniac app for me. I had to use a add-on BTLE on the UART port, the usual “thing” for non-unity vescs and ackmaniac.

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Oh I hadn’t thought about this before, but I’d be very very cautious about any write operations with ackmaniac app and Unity. AFAIK writes are supported with ackmaniac firmware only, which does not run on unity. This means setting changes, mode switching, etc.


that’s is pretty obvious, but well worth stating!

I guess I get the right amount of telemetry from the Unity app… I already bought into their ecosphere… so it is what it is…

ACK has more but I really don’t need it I guess…

Davega… nah… great I guess for those that have a need to know everything…

Metr good stuff, but I don’t wish to go into that whole cosmology rabbit-hole…

Xmatic nope ain’t buying into apple anything…

thanks all for your assistance…


ack dumps out a csv file every ride, including gps coords if your phone is compatible. I throw these into a dropboxed folder. So I can do a bunch of analytics with a small effort. Or toss a file into a spreadsheet to do min/avg/max and draw graphs. the csv also logs faults.

Plus, BT05 are like $2 and flashable to HM10. You can almost standardize your data capture.

Oh, and overlay video :slight_smile:


I hear ya… when I first started racing kwads, I had reams of data from blackbox and tuning… now the flight controllers and software are so good, and I’m way more experienced I tune by sound and feel and NEVER log blackbox anymore…

I have a feeling my esk8ing shall follow that path and I’m just going to ride and not stress about picking the flyshit out of the pepper…

when I start building my race-board I may revisit this and reconsider…



Do we know if Jason will continue to make unity boxes once they sell out on amazon?