FocBox Tenka Talk

Careful. You don’t want to anger the esk8bro community. I heard they’re like Antifa.




Enjoy JPo defending his latest self harm hazard in the comments, oof.

the Tenka is rated for up to 8.4kw at the motors, which is more than evolves best board, it’s more than any other prebuilt street board on the market.


That’s me in the comments arguing with him haha


I thought i posted this already but…. :rofl:


the antispark and the fets are the only difference I found on this board I also asked and apparently its missing a trace/has a weaker resisitor from the mcu to, but thats just what I heard about. I have a dead one here for parts or repair atm. owner killed it through the 5v and gnd connections being flip flopped on his vx1 reciever. Will try to fix when I get the chance to. I need to bring it to a ultrasound cleaner to clean up some of the loose potting before I attempt to perform any soldering on it. Already have the fets to fix it, just need a new mcu and some drv chips. will prolly order later on. since lead times for mcu chips on digi key are 40+ days atm. Oh and on the top left next to the jst connectors for the motor sensor wires it should say V 1.11. Its covered by potting in the above pic.


remind me later in the week to post a pic of the esc. not currently on my phone to take a picture of it, and I have a few other esc’s that need repair. Fixing Esc’s at the moment is a pain because of chip lead times. all my esc’s have chip orders besides the dead Tenka. I still need to get around to that.

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Bit blurry, but finally am on phone. Will retake pics later on. Forgot i had these pics. Also besides the mcu and drv chips being fried there is also the issue of a few blown resitors, blown canbus chip, and another power chip that controls 3.x volts. Will have to solder on a new leads and a xt-60/90 on and test for power there. If i get 3.3volts. I believe those chipers were called lod and u-407 or something along those lines. One is for receiving and sending data for the canbus and the other is for voltage across the ppm port, and a few other areas of the pcb.

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How hard was it to remove the potting material and can the PCB be removed from the heatsink, without damaging it, to be fitted to a custom heatsink that was made for a unity?

I’m the one that removed the potting on (and killed) the tenka @BoofNee posted. The potting was pretty easy to get off with a plastic spudger and hand vacuum. The board is stuck to the “heatsink” with 2 really thick thermal pads. Pulling it out feels sketchy but it’s just the thermal pads stretching. It’s a strong PCB.


It was actually a vanpro mini remote not a VX1, unless you’re talking about UART in which case I was using a VX3

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I have a 2 Focbox Tenkas. It was delivered on August 18, after I had 2 Flipsky Duel 4.20 Plus just never work for me. After finally getting my board running later in August, one of my Tenkas now has a problem. It does not turn off. It only turns off if I disconnect if from my battery. I’m kinda pissed by it. I’m told it’s an anti spark circuit that the power button controlls.


Unity, and its derivatives like Tenka, often have failing switches. Using a loopkey is the cheapest and best solution but often isn’t the most pretty.

You can also use a separate antispark switch but those can often suffer the same fate.


Hi everyone.
Could you, please, suggest Bluetooth module for tenka. I know there is metr pro somewhere out there but website is not taking orders currently. i have ordered maker x bluetooth but its not working (yes i have flashed swd and still not working) i have tried it on 4.12 vesc and it still does not work (its discoverable, but app says “could not read firmware version”). So, can anyone suggest bluetooth module to buy? i dont want to waste 30$ again so im asking for community advise

If you send me a shipping label, I have two BLE recievers from bkb I can send you. You may need your own uart cable though. Depends on if I have a spare

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switch the rx and tx wires on the jst connector


Also search for videos on how to switch wires on a JST connector, it’s really easy once you learn the procedure. Very difficult before you know.


Thanks, i have tried before and one more time after you replied, but no luck. Even tried shorten cables - same error once again. But thanks!)

Might be a defective unit. Happens a lot with the tenka.

There is issue not with esc but with bluetooth. I have tried multiple esc’s and while thay are fine, bluetooth is not