FluxMotion.eu - website launch

Hey Guys,
I am planning to build a Flux board as well, I can make a thread on its own but will try my luck here first.
I have the DIY deck&enclosure combo and i am planning on fitting a 12S9P p42 battery in there but I would like to retain the possibility of upgrading to 4WD in the future. As I will not want to desolder the whole battery when the time comes, i would like to build accordingly. I would like to go with dual storm cores and if possible/necessary heatsinks through the deck but don’t know the measurements plus I would like to get your opinions on the options:

My thoughts are:
In general two escs in the same chamber without heatsinks produce more heat, sure not double the amount of a single one because there is less stress on each, but it might still be a factor on long rides.
Through the deck heatsinks might noch even be necessary as shown by The Outlaw Star

  • If I go with heatsinks, two big holes so close to each other might make the enclosure unstable
  • might not fit well for the storm cores
  • heat build-up


  • might fit better
  • the usual fins on the heatsinks are oriented differently
  • heat build-up


  • definitely fits, as A13XR3 has shown in his post
  • fin direction does not fit if i go with heatsinks, plus might look odd being asynchron


  • would be my preferred option
  • downside would be one long battery wire (Long battery wires)


  • Dunno, better weight distribution?

Oh yeah I am not planning on using a BMS … will balanchecharge every couple of months…
Any help is appreciated