Flipsky VX2 Remote

My vx2 pro too shows 0 battery when there is acutally about 40-50% left according to my diebiems. I am also riding on a 12s pack.


Yeah it’s really weird, I havnt figured it out yet, wondering if maybe I should just set the settings to 13s on the remote maybe it will be more accurate?

Just got it last week, and I love it! Only a couple of small things… First, and this seems to be the case with nearly all remotes…the strap. The hook area where the string part of the wrist strap hooks into the remote body, is easily pulled out, with a little tug. Easy fix, however. I just put a little knot at the bottom of the string, to keep it from pulling out. Second: I had to calibrate the mph, using a GPS speedometer. The wheel & motor pulley numbers had to be adjusted through trial and error. So the number of teeth on the remote do not reflect the actual pulley tooth numbers. I haven’t read this entire thread, so I’m not sure if anyone else has had this same problem. But like I said, it’s an easy fix. I love that I can briefly glance at the remote, and see how fast I’m going. Also, the battery life is phenomenal.

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Ya did? with correct wheel settings and motor pairs? Mine is spot on…

Yup. I have no idea why. Same numbers numbers I have in Vesc Tool. And in Vesc Tool, the real-time data is spot on. It’s a mystery.

Does it happen to be twice the value? Or how far off is it?

My actual numbers:
Wheel d: 203
Motor pulley: 14t
Wheel pulley:. 72t
So, the numbers are the same for the remote, except for the motor pulley…which is, yes, nearly doubled, at 29t.

Did you set the motor pairs right? For most motors with 14 poles, you’re suppose to enter 7 pairs. If you put the number of poles instead of pairs your speed is half…


Mystery solved. Thanks man :+1:! ::joy:


Does anyone knows if this is the latest VX2 version ? :


It is, but 93$ is overpriced, where are you from?
The pictured remote is the old shitty one, but the product title has “pro” so it should really be the newer one.

Its not that overpriced if you factor in the 2 day free prime shipping lol. I would buy it because low patience. An order from flipsky right now even with DHL is easily a month out…

Given he’s from poland might as well go for the self plug :kissing_heart:


3 day shipping


Something I figured out on two different VX2 receivers: If you shutdown the remote and push the throttle shortly after it will go in full duty cycle and not stop. Had this happen today again moving my board into a metal garage which was unharmed but my double kingpin front got pushed out of the pivot cup. I managed to get it back in there and everything was fine for the rest of the ride though.


Just out if Interest what’s the difference between vx1 and vx2?

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Alot. In short the VX2 gives you telemetry, and it can only function via UART, both remotes are great, Mojave used both, I love the size of the vx1, but love the functions of vx2

Hmm, gonna start trying this out.

I’ve only had one full duty cycle lock fault in all of my ESC testing/riding and it happened w/ a maytech 4.12 50A on the bench w/o a remote (vx1 receiver connected). The thing has been flawless since.


Building this for a friend. Getting no response from this remote, it’s paired, motors are ready to roll with keyboard test in VESC tool, UART mode. Cant see what’s wrong here, wiring seems correct.

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I assume you did the the throttle cal and all the settings in vx2.

One note and not sure it’ll matter, but flipsky indicates plugging in the vx2 in the other uart port next to the one you used. Maybe uart isn’t on for that vesc side.

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make sure you are using the right harness, double check the rx tx pin son both reciever and vesc

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