Flipsky 75100 FOC 75V 100A Single ESC Based on VESC® for Electric Skateboard

that is not good, buddy. That makes you weird, too.haha


That is the worst. Sorry to hear that happened to you


That is the risk you take when you market a product. If the product fills a need then as long as it is made well and easy to use it will sell.

It is not for us to help you get back your test sample costs (which is tiny). It is up to you to provide a product that we would want to buy. Then the product sells itself.

If you are worried you wouldn’t get back the small investment you would make in sending out test units then you are not confident that this product fills a market need or that it wouldn’t get good reviews. This is sad to hear.

I have nothing at all against you, Flipsky, or this product. I just don’t see those who are selling the product having any confidence in it. I can understand your frustration though at sending out units for feedback and not getting it. But that’s to be expected too and needs to be factored into your marketing budget.


how many samples does @Trampa send?

Nobody’s asking you to believe in the product…

At this point, hundreds of units have been sold.

People will buy it, configure it, have motors spinning… nothing else really matters on a 84v 100$ VESC.


Then we’re all set? :thinking:
No samples needed, we buy or don’t buy.

Don’t worry about that. We would like to provide feedback for the community. We can test it with a 20S mountainboard, a 20S Z11X scooter, a 20S Surron and probably a 20S EUC.

But that’s up to you.

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Seems that someone here already got this esc from us, hope he will release the review soon after received the products. Thanks for your attention.

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I hope he does not do that!
That is the big reason why so many “reviews” aren’t really reviews at all. They are just quick impressions based on using the product for a short time.

A good review takes time, often a lot of time. I hope he takes as long as necessary to do a good one.


That’s what I hate. People receive their products, put up a review saying “I received it, it looks good well packaged, blablabla.” Then 2 months later, edit their post to say “it blew up, don’t buy”


I will never understand the huge interest so many different hobbyist/enthusiast communities have in a device’s packaging. It has absolutely nothing to do with the design, performance, and reliability of the product.

Every penny that packaging costs we have to pay for when buying the product. As long as it protects the device during shipping I don’t care what it looks like if I can save a bit of money. :slightly_smiling_face:


I really want to grab one of these from flipsky and take it to bits but I don’t need it at the moment. I’d also be down to donate some money to someone else to buy one and gut it, if anyone was thinking of picking one up and can commit to taking some nice pics for us to look at and/or do some stress tests

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How about offering a group buy at discounted price if we buy ten or something? That’s what we did with flipsky long ago to get testing of their vescs rolling. They showed pretty well and I think like 50 people ordered.

One person’s review isn’t going to reveal much

Why should we buy through u instead of flipsky?

I generally agree with you. I’ll say though, that I think the packaging and presentation experience is very human. Similarly to food, the visual presentation matters almost as much as the flavor and texture.

Visuals, presentation, and tactile experiences matter to the human interaction. I remember reading that Beats headphones put weights in them because heavier products feel more premium.

People are weird, man.


I agree! I also love great looking packaging.
I just feel that we can’t attach any significance to it other than that initial feeling. How often have we cared about the packaging when the device failed. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I just received a set of motors from Flipsky, and the packaging was impressive, with foam blocks protecting the shafts and the box itself being really sturdy and sealed.

So while packaging aesthetics don’t really matter to me, packaging function absolutely does.


So…you didn’t receive them from EarkTech???



Does anyone know how we should interpret “firmware upload not available”? Not being able to install 5.3 will be a deal breaker for some.

We can see that the SWD port isn’t broken out, but maybe it also means they didn’t install a bootloader for USB updates?

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What’s good about 5.3?

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field weakening
4wd autodetection works
It’ll probably kill you