Just just to get this strait, I run each motor 6384’s at 100a. I haven’t had anything issues yet but from what I’m reading that’s not a good idea?
No, that is fine. 100 battery amps is different than 100 motor amps
I have motor set to 100 and battery 110 for each side, is that wrong?
I mean there is not really any point in setting the battery that high for that motor current but as far as doing any damage, probably not.
Have you ever looked at logs of what amps you pull?
Is it on a unity? It kinda depends, even the marketing material claims it’s only good up to 80A continuously and I’ve linked a vid below claiming that hill tests with any kind of sustained loads sent them flying. It’s a tenka review where they note that they were sent off at 70A as opposed to the unity’s 80
There are conflicting reports on what the actual safe limit is, and how sustained counts as continuous though, see below for people running at 80 without problems:
I don’t think that’s right, high battery and motor current can fry the ESC before the overtemp protection kicks in if they’re well above the rating
It’s not possible for battery amps to exceed motor amps, so setting higher battery amps from the motor amps won’t do anything.
This is what I’m talking about
Right sorry, you’re correct I misread. Battery current > Motor current won’t hurt, but 100A and 110A could
I have and it’s not that high but you never know when you need some power so I felt like I set it unrestricted mode at those numbers.
@mr.shiteside I am running a stormcore 60 but I’m going to watch the video after I type this to see what your saying.
Thanks both for the reply.
Oh I was making recommendations specifically for the unity, you’re probably all fine then. Sorry if I confused the situation there
Gotcha, I thought setting it to 110, 10 over the 100 mark would allow them to run up to 110 an no more.
No worries I probably didn’t help out with the confusion, I thought it was more of a general not 100% brand specific warning
Well that’s what it does, but since the motors at maximum can only draw 100A the most the battery will see is 100A (more likely 95A because of duty cycle). It will limit the battery at 110A, but since you won’t reach past 100A the field won’t do anything. Usually battery amps are much lower than motor amps due to current restrictions, and that’s where it plays a bigger role in actually limiting current since motor draw could exceed it.
Thanks for helping me understand better what’s really going on!!
It’s because safe limits are going to be largely based on die temperatures, not specific current levels or heatsink temperatures. There are a lot of variables and these same internal temperatures could be obtained via all sorts of different scenarios and uses and current levels and environments.
They have good prices.
OK so i fitted the spare xenith and connected everything exactly the same as before. Input your recommended settings and Ran detection…
Weirdly both motors are inverted and i got a new startup message on the DAVEGA screen
Detection results here :
Never set up a vesc and had both inverted, plus the vesc id are showing as 11 & 12 on the results page.
What could this mean?
Cool so the inverted thing is easy, it just means the phase wires are “backwards”, but there’s no harm to the ESC or motors so it doesn’t matter. Every time you plug the wires in in a random order there’s 50/50 odds it spins forwards or backwards
To fix it you can take the phase wires for one motor (let’s call them phase A, B, C) and swap any two, so it would now be B, A, C, or C, B, A, or whatever. Do that on the other motor too and then run motor detection again. Alternatively in motor detection near the end, there should be an option to just reverse the direction for each of them, that works fine too
For the Davega I’m no help though, haven’t used one
Thanks for confirming the phase wire thing. I must have done 10x builds or rebuilds over last 4 years, 9 of them with a Unity or Stormcore. Every one has only had 1x inverted, so just assumed that was the way things were !
Sorted the davega out by downgrading to fw v5.00