Flipsky 63100 Motor

Can ids 10 and 11 are reserved for smart bmsses. If you go into your vesc app settings you can switch the IDs to 12 and 13 for each half which will get rid of the message.


So what’s the final group conclusion here; particularly in the year 2024 did flipsky make proper upgrades the the 63100 motors or is it truly better to go w/ a smaller motor? The 63100 saturation makes them worthless or does a bigger motor make things better overall?

In 2024 don’t do business with Flipsky, ever, and just get a Skyart Power motor because they’re way better


63100 is overkill for most people. The 6384 motors can produce crazy torque. The v2 flipsky 6384 motors are supposed to be decent.

The v2s suck at dissipating heat. They also cook above 120A. They’re acceptable for their price.


Do they slip magnets like the v1’s?

I don’t think they’ve changed anything in that regard. My understanding is they just changed the base of the can to not whine and scream as much.

I back off the throttle when I hit 80C even though they should be able to handle 100 fine


Yous fancy with your highfalutin sensors

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Anyone who has had their temp sensors fail is a walking skill issue

Is it just a water ingress thing? I’ve yet to have a temp sensor fail across 12 or 14 motors and I just throw some epoxy on those bad boys and hope for the best, it just keeps working.

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I’ve had plenty of water in my motors and no temp sensor failure. I have no clue, seems modern motors are just built better


Because its just a NTC thermistor, I’m not even sure water would do anything. Maybe broken traces on sensor PCB from vibrations, I really dunno. @b264 has probably killed dozens and would know what the most common failure is.

Same, but i have snipped 4-5 sets of sensors.
Shfi FTW

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I think you’re supposed to keep your temperature sensor since the motor impedance changes depending on temperature. But if it works, it works :smiley: .


I believe that was with ASS, shfi needs no sensors.

Not 100% silent on my setup, but nearly, and 98% as smooth as sensors


I still can’t believe they called it ASS.

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Thats dope! Do you need phase filters for Shfi? I can never remember the differences between Shfi and ASS.

Iirc it can be more silent with filters, but dont believe the 60d+ i run has them.

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I know how im spending my night lol.

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Afaik, you can test it without snipping or disconnecting sensors.
Ymmv, some setups like it better.
Hfi gain is the only thing I’ve changed besides just turning on shfi.

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