FlexiBMS Public Support, Feature & Troubleshooting Thread

4,09V- 4,08V and faults still persisting :confused:

Ok guys, can anyone share fine serrings for 10s4 p on Mj1? I switched to second flexi and still got issues, I want to add that I double checked battery and balanse conenction :frowning:

Quick question, do you happen to have a model or a ā€˜ā€˜bounding boxā€™ā€™ model for flexiLite? Iā€™m building a case where every centimeter matters and it would be great if there would be .step model available.

Any news on when the Flexibms will be back for saleā€¦getting stressed as need it to finish my build

For the people running the beta units, do I need anything else besides CAN high and low for it to be accessible over CAN?

FkexiBMS To be on (5v) or usb connected

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Hi there, Iā€™m having some trouble charging recently. It didnā€™t do that in the beginning but started after a few months. It goes to around 80 percent then then stops. If I unplug it and plug it back in it sometimes does the full charge. Recently it starts to be more and more on and off though. I had the same issue on an older board. In that case I used a different charger and it seemed to work. But before I buy the NEXT charger I was wondering if it could have other causes.
my thoughts were:
firmware and flexibms settings???
cabeling? how important is it and why that balance cables donā€™t touch/cross? Or is it at all?
Doesnā€™t seem to be heat related.
Not sure how to troubleshoot that.
Grateful for any input.


When you say stop are the cells balancing?
Is the other charger that works a low ampage?

no, it just stops. I currently donā€™t have FlexiBMS hooked up to any interface that could read the individual cells. But itā€™s yellow first (balancing) and then stops.
The other charger didnā€™t work on my old board anymore (which ad the same issue). My current Charger did though. Now this is a new board with FlexiBMS and I start having the same issue with the new charger. I donā€™t have the old charger anymore.

Dose your ā€œchargerā€ have a cut off when the load drops below a threashold or is it a PSU?

When you say stop I presume the flexi turns off because there is no voltage on the charg port terminals.

USB and PC

Hey @Darkie02 ,
thanks for helping out. didnā€™t realize i could use usb for it.
will check all those things. the charger was ordered from apex. btw anyone got a recommendation for a good one, ideally without fan?
am i assuming right that touching/overlapping balance cables are only an issue because of friction and potential loss of insulaton? mine are packed quite tight in the center, but they are slightly oversized.

I stick with Meanwell HLG range of PSU itā€™s the one @SimosMCmuffin tested an rated very highly so dose @hummieee (who seems to broken every other charge he touches)

Doesnā€™t say on there website
@ApexBoards do you charger terminate the charge when the current drops or do you use you bms to end the charge? @Lee_Wright @BigBen

Everything Iā€™ve gotten from China broke. The meanwell is great n barely costs more.
Without the fan and with the adjustable voltage n current is durable.

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Am I right here in reading you had the same issue on two seperate chargers @sebastian?

The charger will cut out once the battery voltage reaches the rated voltage. Iā€™m not saying our chargers are bomb proof, but weā€™ve sold over 100 of them and not had a single complaint, if you have a faulty charger we will of course replace it at our cost but Iā€™d invite some more testing to determine whays going on. Would be unlikely that itā€™s the charger if the same thing has happened on two different chargers (think thatā€™s what Iā€™m understanding)

i only tried this charger on this board. it was on my old board that i had a different charger which showed the same symptoms. (completely different battery). today it happened already at 60 percent charge. if i keep pluggin it in and out at some point it will keep charging. i am sure itā€™s not a loose contact though

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thanks, do you have a model name or link?

What does the charger measure at its output?

would this one do the job? 54v should that be 50.5v???

Like ur pic is good. I have what looks the same but does 600 watts. The voltage is adjustable within maybe 10 volts

thanks, is there a dial on it or something?