Everything that makes your ride safe

I didn’t slide at all, just hit the ground flat and stopped

Inside too?

@mmaner sorry to bother you just want a smart persons opinion on his helmet

There’s a small hole but not sure from what, looks like it got poked But that’s it

It looks like surface damage, but im not helmet expert.

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Okay cool, I think it’s fine but I don’t value my opinion very high at the moment…only valuing smarter people and Tylenol for a bit

Helmet seems to be ok to me. Don’t go to sleep right away. Try and stay up until you start feeling a bit better. Drink water and relax. Glad you’re not too messed up!

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This happened around 6 hours ago, I definitely feel alot better (nibbling pizza and sipping Gatorade on the couch), but I gotta wobble around/drop things /not sleep on my right for a bit longer. Just blood and bruises, no broken bones thankfully. I sneezed with speed wobbles and came to on the ground

Note: 45 tkp and 50 rkp is not fun when the back is loose


i might be interested in some of these for next summer for air flow… i love my TSG but for these hot times Id like a bit more airflow…but the lid up catches the air to much at speed…so…

I’m no expert. Every helmet I’ve ever crashed has been turned to shit, there was no question. I’d say get a new helmet, be safe.

yeah sux when the road goes from nice to shit…similar thing tossed me… road got even worse after where i fell
worst eskate accident


@Accrobrandon Yikes man. Glad you put out a lessons learned video. Sorry for the injury but thanks for the video.

I ate shit on my Lacroix the other day. I wasn’t going anywhere as fast as you fortunately. I was doing maybe 5-10 mph and was going to cut across some grass that separated two different paths. I have 8" tires on the board and have done it many times with no issues. However, this time around there was a…pothole in the grass (I guess?) that was filled with really loose, fine sand. This “pothole” was nearly invisible from my vantage point on the trail. As soon as my tires went into that the board came to a dead stop and I kept going. Came down on my left shoulder. No visible bruising but it feels like I have a bruised muscle or bone.

That happened Monday, and I’m still pretty damn sore from it.

So yeah, definitely take it easy in unfamiliar areas.

grass i usually ride slower cuz with AT tires there really isnt grip and gets fun but squirelly lol… it could be a bruised something…possible a mild AC seperation… which in retrospect is very possibly what i had…cant see it with a xray only MRI…i didnt get an MRI but a month later my chick injured herself doing a basic roll and we had the exact same issues and she did get an MRI… we both teach fitness, dance and acrobatics so this was a first for me…im all healed up but theres a few small spots I have yet to rehab and guess its just time

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TRUTH. I hit invisible divots where the land isn’t completely flat under the grass and quickly have to check myself. Good feels and quick heals bud.

are these the best elbow pads? they have that d3o impact gel stuff, if not anything better?

these seem pretty cool too not sure if they would help much for impact though

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The first ones are great for impact but not good for sliding. They don’t have lower strap so they might slide up the elbow.
If you ride slow, they should be good. If you ride fast, you need sliding elbow pads.

Second set doesn’t have any certification so no Bueno.

From my search, these seem to be the most suitable. Hard shell and CE 1 certified.

But maybe somebody with more experience could chip in

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Thanks bro, you are correct, best for what we do.
Fully Nylon outer, CE Rated, Impact Gel. These are the only ones that can and do say all that, Ill let ya know once I get them.


This is my favourite thing today.

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It’s the little things

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You need to match your nail colour to it

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