ESK8SUPPLY (DIY parts store with fast worldwide shipping) direct drive, 6.1 es controller, batteries, carbon fibre deck etc (updated: 12th Dec)

It is on company house if you are curious, we are a registered limited company. As for the stuff Trampa said, we have been messaging in DMs and will be fixed tomorrow morning. Thanks:+1:


We have changed our website due to Tampa’s request (no more vesc in the titles) , also written a disclaimer that we ship from china in the original post.
Please if you don’t have any thing constructive, have a think before you comment, we are working hard to provide a service that some of the members may want. If you don’t want to buy from us for some reason, read the thread then move on. Have a good day! :call_me_hand:


Wow, it looks better now. Good luck :slight_smile:


thanks :heart_eyes:


Dont forget about the html :wink:
They still state vesc6.1


Can we see pictures of the builds that you and Thomas have put together?

I welcome more retailers, I struggle with your pricing considering we’ll get nailed with 20% tax plus a £15 administration fee and an extra 7 days wait while they collect. That’s mainly because I have no issue buying directly from Asian suppliers though, perhaps other people want the simplicity.

At this point in time your dual controller would be £230 to my door and from Flipsky it would be £214 for a tried and tested dual 6.6, there’s hardly a supplier link needed either, I can just go to their website and pay via paypal for extra security. I also know that they aren’t going to flop so there’s that net to fall back on.

Don’t take offense here, you seem like a level headed young man. Just, big picture stuff.


27 posts were split to a new topic: The VESC Boogeyman :microbe:

we are working on a video for youtube.

Here are some photos of the build, should be posted this week :smile:

Over the last few months when I tested the parts for the site, I have ordered quite a few rounds of parts from China, tax not included, and you get charged nowhere near 20% VAT for what you order, for example, I paid £25 including admin fees for a carbon fiber deck, one battery, a pair of trucks and other bits and bobs (worth £400+)…
The concept behind the store is not to order one or two small parts from China (you are right, won’t be any cheaper, although we will have the same warranty and good service quality), more like multiple parts from multiple suppliers under the store.

I am glad you ask, and we won’t take offense.:+1:


damn those sneaky bastards :sweat_smile:

Sweet deck, where’d you find that guy?

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o ya, duh. :sweat_smile:


Looks interesting, but really need better photos.

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yeah man, working on it.:smile: The weather has been awful!

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The VESC comes with 4.0mm bullet connectors which is compatible with most motors on the market

FYI, your website still refers to your motor controller as a VESC. Really not sure how that’s gotten through at this point I don’t know how many times its been mentioned.

I paid £25 including admin fees for a carbon fiber deck, one battery, a pair of trucks and other bits and bobs (worth £400+)…

Then the shipper/you have falsified invoices attached to the shipments which are also illegal? If you paid £400 you must pay 20% VAT + Import Duty / Duty handling fees on those items. Its not a good face if half your customers pay 20% more because the other half magically avoided duty.

If the customer is required to order practically an entire board from you in order to make the purchase economical (For example a customer just looking to order one of your ESCs must pay ~£216 for a product which is pretty uneconomical considering the other options that exist with more reviews and modularity/remote availability.

I am also confused as to why you take payments in GBP. As a UK registered a business, you are actually legally mandated to pay VAT on the goods you sell, even if its not included within that price. When you file a VAT Return and it has no outgoing payments to the government, you might be hooped for this reason. Additionally, your supplier must take USD, so for a european customer, they must convert their funds into GBP then again the funds are converted to USD. Considering its not even a UK based warehouse, it doesn’t really make sense to even set the region of the store to the UK here - the company should have probably been registered in HK or something.

Here’s my personal advice, away from trying to get things legally straight because I personally also made similar mistakes before and there has to be some leniency there.

After starting my own shop, which I only decided to do after years of using esk8, and being somewhat involved in the community (Although somewhat disliked by @Brenternet and his goons) I realized that there is no use in opening without components which are innovative, unique, in-demand or necessary. While I think I haven’t made too many large mistakes, I know I need to either offer many cheap products or few custom ones and so I will personally be switching to selling items I am confident supplying or that I customize/improve. You don’t have to do the same, infact you have a wide range, so I suggest you straighten out the store, streamline prices because they’re actually not very competitive with the shipping and tax included (Just looking at the wheels, remotes, motors I know those prices could be a lot lower especially without tax)

The site looks really good, its quick and is put together well.


I don’t have “goons” buddy. People dislike you because you’re a twat :+1:


Arent you the guy who always says you don’t get import taxes from China?

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4 of them liked the post :joy:

I’m far from Brent’s minion bud.
It is possible for people to just be annoyed by things.

Everyone who dislikes me must be part of some secret society. Lol