community charity auction #1 FEB 20 (SERIOUS)

What’s the size?
Edit 90mm :slight_smile:

I’m happy to send them to whoever. I could do without the meaningless. dissertation.

Dude, put that shit up, never happened. You are welcome to keep saying it, but that don’t make it true.


Good of you to respond. Ok so now we can probably deduce that you will not be continuing with this, but are prepared to forward parts.

Nobody has planned for this @Brenternet the organizer are you still reading if not posting?

Is any member (probably US-based) with board build firm prepared to continue with this?

I’m not really sure what charity Brent had in mind.


No, I will not be continuing it. I should’ve listened to Brent when he wanted to call it off.

I never received or found any motor mounts to fit the motors/trucks. I didnt bug Tim about the deck since it took so long to get the parts and some of parts never showed. I will ship the parts to whoever.


Can you list the parts your currently have?


Not at the moment, Im at work.

Can we not get into this please. Let’s try to get the project finished. We all put effort into making it happen. It would be a shame to abort it and arguing about unrelated stuff is not helping.


@mmaner When you have a minute, it would be great if you could tell us what we have and what’s missing. Maybe just put everything on a pile and take a pic. Then we can think together how to best finish it and find someone who has the time to execute it.

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I would be happy to build this if we have enough parts.

I can also build a battery for this if needed, though that would require dollars. If all we are missing is a battery and a drivetrain, I have a boosted drivetrain right here that I can put on it.

What would everyone like to see regarding how the actual auction is held? Not sure if @Brenternet is still planning to run the auction or not.

We should probably also loop in @longhairedboy to see if he’s still cool with this happening, as last I checked there was a “no auctions” rule on this forum, and I want to make sure we wont be getting anyone in trouble.


If Brent doesn’t get back I’ll give him a shout.
Not seen him for a min, he’s just up the road though.


Straight up selling a board is fine. Auctions are in a questionable area, raffles are a no-no. I don’t really know for sure though exactly how questionable auctions would be.


Yeah iirc there was a ton of facebook groups that popped up some years ago doing car part raffles and they all got shut down for being illegal gambling. lol. auction might not be an issue.


This is a cool offer, there was offers of cell donations too on this or a linked thread. Given the components are kind of circa 2017 maybe be someone still has cells they don’t want like 25R…nothing wrong with them.

I have a 10s but in EU

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This everything I have. There was a chubby remote too, but I can’t lay hands on it right now. If I can’t find it I’ll include a new mini remote.




I’m always late to the game. I didn’t read though it all, but did you guys land a deck for this project yet? I have some extra bamboo :blush:


well since the forum is run by me and I’m in florida, i have to assume florida law applies. I could be waaay off base there but if that is the case, we actually need a licensed auctioneer and it must be conducted by a licensed auction business.

This is not an auction business, and i don’t think anyone here is a licensed Florida auctioneer, so i think auctions are out too.

womp womp.


What about silent auctions. They are used by charities everywhere aren’t they?

charities have a lot of exceptions because they are non-profit organizations and have paper work certifying them as such. This isn’t that either.

edit: if we could just form the First Church Of Lord Skatan, which my understanding is its easier than most people think, then we could probably do raffles at least.


I don’t mind being part of a cult😂