Esk8 confessional

Germoney the banana republic in the EU.

The place where criminals get set free because they can’t identify themselves but WHATCHOUT HE IS RIDING AN ELECTRIC SKATEBOARD. GET THIS CRIMINAL SCUM AND LET HIM PAY FOR IS CRIMES because…electric is bad…right?


15 posts were split to a new topic: The Importance of Customer Service in Esk8

54 posts were merged into an existing topic: Welcome to Derail Jail

Ive considered this too many times. If only the rails all had electricity tapped into them.


I took an EUC to the balls last night and got some mad bruising :joy: the whole front of my sack is black.

Don’t ride EUCs kids.


my confession : I bought the worst wheels ever from a China portal website. it was cheap and tempting at $11 USD, and stated 75A on the Duro, plus they looked like some PU rubber. Tried them on a push board - could hardly roll. I’m not sure if they were too soft, but it felt like having flat tyres all the time, while only minimally cushioning from the tile gaps and rough pavements. Absolute garbage on push boards.

The worst part was that the wheel threads all pointed in the same direction - meaning no chance of equalizing the direction of the thread on left and right axles. Reminds me of the TeamGee rubber wheels (strong doubts about their effectiveness and probably much reduced range).



don’t tell anyone, but i tried measuring voltage through the barrel charge port. unsurprisingly touched the edge and it shorted - melted the voltmeter probe and molten metal landed on my leg, got burnt. now charge port needs to be drilled out since it’s jb-welded into the deck.

why do you do this.


Welcome to the club. Did the same thing.


ha! i feel so much better about my collection of melted volt meter probes now.


Don’t. He’s got one, you’ve got a collection.


Yeah but i’ve been really busy melting them on things like other people’s terrible fucking battery builds i’ve been asked to look over. for years

every time i survive a spark up i earn a trophy.


This is true, I mean I’ve survived splitting into live power leads, my stanley knife blade not so much.


My new truck angle setup is really nice, so yesterday I was carving hard, and today my glutei maximi hurts.

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i touched the red part with the outside circle in green. instant fireworks. not even sure why i was trying to get voltage from that, the lid was open and battery exposed.


I did this once - now I make a male connection for all my charge ports just for this :wink:


I called an insurance company a couple years ago asking about buying esk8 liability-only insurance at the state minimum level as a car operator would be required to have.

They acted like I had 4 heads and was an alien from another galaxy.


My EUC slid out smacked my shin and gave me a goose egg. Then started bitching about having full battery and I had to power cycle it like 25 times.

Thank God I got home in 5 min and right to an ice pack it was growing fast.

You can’t see any swelling but it was the size of my thumb sticking out.


84 posts were merged into an existing topic: Welcome to Derail Jail

I’ve been riding for a year and a half with fucking ESCs that’s been trying their best to fucking kill me and I’m done with them (it takes a lot to upset me this much). Basically every other day I ride, I’d have a low speed off because they’re made for 1/5th scale R/C car racing, not carrying humans or doing a stellar job of smooth power modulation.

My typical crash scenario goes like this, pull off tenderly and deal with the cogging mentally, ride (yay!), let off the throttle or get on the brake, get back on the throttle without velvety smooth trigger control, ESCs dump massive amounts of power into the motors, board accelerates from under me unceremoniously dumping me on the ground.

Apart from injuries, the last two such power dumps (that’s two out of three ride days this week) have now ruined my elbow guards, and today seemingly broken some teeth off a POM gear in one gearbox as well. To anyone reading this, fuck HobbyWing Max6 ESCs, they’re not made for esk8 or the road where you have heaps of traction.

I’m not getting back on the board before they haven’t been replaced.


Me: money is tight and I already have 4 esk8s - no need to spend money.

Also me: gets on the list for a red ember deck and purchases a psychotiller enclosure for it already (while I already have another completely separate build started)

Who else has been terrible about not spending money lately? :joy: Time to confess