Esk8 confessional

It’s a little tap. Like bowling.

I move them out of the way so that they can’t get in my way or other people’s way. I only care about other people using small forms of transportation though. I don’t care if it is then in the way of cars

The vehicles have sensors in them, and when they fall over, the system flags them for pickup in a fossil-fuel-burning vehicle.

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Are you suggesting we make an emp/faraday caged vehicle to do our part with scoot trash?

You can ride shotgun.

I’ll stencil “mute scoots” on the side.



A while back I was going to pick some up that were left where trash goes and use them for parts. I had the perfect plan to do it in the back of a moving SUV so I could cut power to the tracker safely.

my accomplice backed out with the reason being that it would be “stealing”. Even though trash is fair game legally. :weary:

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just disconnect the battery and you’re good to go tracker wise


But then you didnt get to make an EMP device powered By an esk8.

Scoots arent worth anything for parts.


They have cheap battery packs that aren’t unusable

The ones here have an auxiliary battery to power the trackers


Tried to be a smart arse and burn past my missus on the grass knowing the ground was soft.

Board hit a really soft bit and punted me off to face plant in the mud then ran me over for good measure. Who’s brilliant idea were these things anyway?


I can hear the idea of it omer simpsons like:
man fell from the skate do! skate roar full throttle vroooom nooo vrooomvrooom silence do! sound of something breaking far away

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It just came to mind that I haven’t built a board in 3 1/2 years.

I’ve only been slightly modifying what i already have.


Any plans?

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On and off for 2 1/2 years.

It’s been a back and forth between wanting to build one

  • not wanting to spend money,
  • having outgrown what i have now thus wanting something new,
  • unsure what parts to get,
  • knowing that i won’t be happy with the outcome, based on my building skills
  • maybe focusing on converting my bike to an ebike (which suffers the same fate in regards of me never starting to do it)
  • thinking about how i still haven’t properly finished parts of my other board that i wanted to redo for over a year now.

This then makes me think how long it’ll take until i finish the new board, so i scrap the idea again until the next time i want it.


I fell asleep spot welding. It was just once, only one time.

I don’t know what’s scarier, waking up driving or waking up with hot probes in hand.


I also bought a 75100 dual flipsky yesterday, bc Amazon shipping and returns.

I’m genuinely conflicted.

Hope those QC stickers are still holographic and neo-chrome shiny.


Should be fairly safe with the kweld. :smiley:

For me it’s driving. Especially when you wake up on the other side of a 4 lane highway :grimacing:

Around here we call that driving in hard mode.

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