ERPM Limited Braking & Reverse Discussion

I think this is the main part. Full current braking on a non mtb seems sketchy to me.


Itā€™s just a brain training exercise really. I fully understand if youā€™re not used to it, but I think things like hill holding etc even in a thane board will be advantageous.


I mean youā€™re talking the difference between being able to SLAM on the brakes and always having to feather the brakes to the edge of traction, I think there is a large learning curve there

And I think thane would be way worse than just having smart reverse on.

For pneumatics it can definitely be learned. Maybe Iā€™ll give it a try on my new hummie build since I am fairly used to it on my mtb


Yeah even when you get little accidental reverse burnouts its no big dealā€¦ you just get better on the throttle :rofl:

I prefer the full control you have with full current mode, i run it on both of my boards

Its actually not as bad on thane. Thane wheel spinning is nowhere as intimidating as a pneumatic

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Yeah. Just comes down to that old adage. Skill issue.


Absolutely. Spinning one of my rear wheels on my boosted is an ā€œoopsieā€ not an ā€œoh shitā€

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I learned full current. then I learned hyst, and smart. then i went back to full current, and I did the spin out tires failure to brake in a panic stop in traffic. idk if itā€™s cause i got used to the other modes or because this was the first real panic stop. but it sucked.

full current reverse feels way better than the other modes tho, but itā€™s definitely less safe, and requires more skill

I loved full current reverse. for me it was commutes, staying put on hills, going up to and backing away from cross walk signals. backing up around and behind cars I know were gonna aggressively try to buzz by me after the light change.

feel wise, the other modes suck in comparison to full current. but smart reverse is safest.


I can honestly say that iā€™ve never slammed the brakes on any esk8ā€¦ i feel like if i was in a position where I needed to do that, iā€™d be much more likely to just skip the middle man and abandon ship immediately :rofl:


Yeah same, Iā€™ve only really done it to practice. Got kind of into masochistic training drills for a while

Iā€™ve had to do it for cars running redlights like twice now


Full current control or hyst is pretty wild.

Still itā€™s more about the ability of the vesc to brake and hold it like any other vesc would and mine doesnā€™t, something I noticed straight away.

Iā€™d say itā€™s just my unit as no one else seems to have the issueā€¦so far.

Yeah iā€™m always scared about shit like that, even approaching roads on the side Iā€™m on the brakes or basically on the other side of the road in case cars decide to pop out and cut me off.

The last thing I want in a situation like that is to be relying on brakesā€¦ iā€™d rather ride defensively in the first placeā€¦

We are so far in derail :rofl:


Thats what weā€™re trying to say tho, you can totally do this with current mode, you just gotta feather the throttle

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Current/current bidirectional with a small negative eRPM limit set ticks all the boxes for me. I get fantastic braking and immediate reverse without the drawbacks of having a wheel spin up to insane speeds if I do break traction while braking.


This is exactly what I want but I didnā€™t think it was available. How did you set this up?


I think I set this to -20k, but it depends on your gear ratio. If itā€™s too close to zero, the motors will jitter when holding full reverse.


I understand but itā€™s brand new not cheap and should work with other modes other than full current. I have other escā€™s I can use in the meantime. This should be able to hold brake and not free wheel.

I prefer to send this back and get one thatā€™s working than just put up with it and use that method.

I thought thats just how all the other modes felt like. Iā€™ve never experienced a mode other than current that can hold the board completely still

Smart reverse can. Engage it, then let off the throttle till itā€™s almost back to center. Takes some practice since itā€™s temperamental but itā€™s possible. Far from ideal